Source code for pyraysum.prs

# Copyright 2022 Wasja Bloch, Pascal Audet

# This file is part of PyRaysum.

# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


import re
import numpy as np
import re
from datetime import datetime
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from obspy import Stream
from numpy.fft import fft, ifft, fftshift
from copy import deepcopy
import fraysum

from pyraysum import plot
from pyraysum.frs import read_arrivals, read_traces, _phnames

_alignn = {0: "none", 1: "P", 2: "SV", 3: "SH"}  # alignment name
_aligni = {_alignn[k]: k for k in _alignn}  # alignment ID
_rotn = {0: "ZNE", 1: "RTZ", 2: "PVH"}  # rotation name
_roti = {_rotn[k]: k for k in _rotn}  # rotation ID
_iphase = {"P": 1, "SV": 2, "SH": 3}
_phids = {_phnames[k]: k for k in _phnames}  # inverse dictionary, imported in core
_modhint = (
    "#   Model file to use with `PyRaysum` for \n"
    "#   modeling teleseismic body wave propagation \n"
    "#   through dippin anisotropic media.\n"
    "#   Lines starting with '#' are ignored. Each \n"
    "#   line corresponds to a unique layer. The \n"
    "#   bottom layer is assumed to be a half-space\n"
    "#   (Thickness is irrelevant).\n"
    "#   Format:\n"
    "#       Column  Contents\n"
    "#          0    Thickness (km)\n"
    "#          1    Density (kg/m^3)\n"
    "#          2    Layer P-wave velocity (km/s)\n"
    "#          3    Layer S-wave velocity (km/s)\n"
    "#          4    Layer flag \n"
    "#                   1: isotropic\n"
    "#                   0: transverse isotropy\n"
    "#          5    % Transverse anisotropy (if Layer flag is set to 0)\n"
    "#                   0: isotropic\n"
    "#                   +: fast symmetry axis\n"
    "#                   -: slow symmetry axis\n"
    "#          6    Trend of symmetry axis (degrees)\n"
    "#          7    Plunge of symmetry axis (degrees)\n"
    "#		    8	 Interface strike (degrees)\n"
    "#		    9	 Interface dip (degrees)\n"

[docs]class Model(object): """Model of the subsurface seismic velocity structure. .. note:: This object holds the infromation of the .mod file in classic Raysum Parameters: thickn (array_like): Thickness of layers (m) rho (float or array_like): Density (kg/m^3) vp (float or array_like): P-wave velocity (m/s) vs (float or array_like, optional): S-wave velocity (m/s) If None, computed from :const:`vpvs` flag (array_like of str, optional): :const:`1` for isotropic, :const:`0` for anisotropic ani (float or array_like, optional): Anisotropy (percent) trend (float or array_like, optional): Trend of symmetry axis (degree) plunge (float or array_like, optional): Plunge of symmetry axis (degree) strike (float or array_like, optional): azimuth of interface in RHR (degree clockwise from north) dip (float or array_like, optional): dip of interface in RHR (degree down from horizontal) vpvs (float or array_like, optional): P-to-S velocity ratio. Defaults to 1.73. Ignored if :const:`vs` is set. maxlay (int): Maximum number of layers defined in params.h Warning: When setting `vpvs`, `vs` is adjusted to satisfy vs = vp / vpvs. The following attributes are set upon initialization, when setting a layer property via :meth:`Model.__setitem__()` (i.e. :attr:`model[0]` or :attr:`model[0, "thickn"]`), and when execuding :meth:`Model.update()` after setting a single element of the above model attributes. `f` prefixes indicate attributes used for interaction with `fraysum.run_bare()` and `fraysum.run_full()`. Set these directly for best performance. nlay Number of layers parameters Convenience attribute that collects the `f`-attributes in the order expected by `fraysum.run_bare()` and `fraysum.run_full()` fthickn Thickness of layers (m) frho Density (kg/m^3) fvp P-wave velocity (m/s) fvs S-wave velocity (m/s) fflag Flag indicating isotropy (1) or anisotropy (0) of layer material fani Anisotropy (percent) ftrend Trend of symmetry axis (radians) fplunge Plunge of symmetry axis (radians) fstrike azimuth of interface in RHR (radians) fdip dip of interface in RHR (radians) Example ------- >>> from pyraysum import Model >>> model = Model([10000, 0], [3000, 4500], [6000, 8000], [3500, 4600]) >>> print(model) # thickn rho vp vs flag aniso trend plunge strike dip 10000.0 3000.0 6000.0 3500.0 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4500.0 8000.0 4600.0 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 >>> model[0]["thickn"] 10000.0 >>> model.thickn[0] 10000.0 >>> model.thickn[0] = 15000 # model.fthickn has not yet changed >>> model.update() # Now everything works as expected >>> model.fthickn[0] 15000.0 >>> model[1, "vp"] 8000.0 >>> model[1, "vp"] = 7400. # Does not require model.update() >>> model[1, "vp"] 7400.0 >>> model[1] = {"vs": 4200., "rho": 4000.} >>> model[1]["vs"] 4200.0 >>> model[1, "rho"] 4000.0 >>> model[1] = {"thickn": 5000, "vp": 8000., "vpvs": 2.} >>> model[1]["vs"] 4000.0 >>> model += [5000, 3600, 8000, 4000] # thickn, rho, vp, vs >>> print(model) # thickn rho vp vs flag aniso trend plunge strike dip 15000.0 3000.0 6000.0 3500.0 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5000.0 4000.0 8000.0 4000.0 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5000.0 3600.0 8000.0 4000.0 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 >>> model += {"thickn": 0, "rho": 3800, "vp": 8500., "dip": 20, "strike": 90} >>> print(model) # thickn rho vp vs flag aniso trend plunge strike dip 15000.0 3000.0 6000.0 3500.0 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5000.0 4000.0 8000.0 4000.0 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5000.0 3600.0 8000.0 4000.0 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3800.0 8500.0 4913.3 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 90.0 20.0 """ def __init__( self, thickn, rho, vp, vs=None, flag=1, ani=None, trend=None, plunge=None, strike=None, dip=None, vpvs=1.73, maxlay=15, ): def _array(v): if v is not None: return np.array( [v] * self.nlay if isinstance(v, (int, float)) else v, dtype=float ) else: return np.array([0.0] * self.nlay) try: self.nlay = len(thickn) except TypeError: self.nlay = 1 self._thickn = _array(thickn) self._rho = _array(rho) self._vp = _array(vp) if vs is None: self._vpvs = _array(vpvs) self._vs = self._vp / self._vpvs else: self._vs = _array(vs) self._vpvs = self._vp / self._vs self._flag = np.array( [flag] * self.nlay if isinstance(flag, int) else list(flag) ) self._ani = _array(ani) self._trend = _array(trend) self._plunge = _array(plunge) self._strike = _array(strike) self._dip = _array(dip) self.maxlay = maxlay = [ "thickn", "rho", "vp", "vs", "vpvs", "flag", "ani", "trend", "plunge", "strike", "dip", ] self._properties = ["_" + prop for prop in] self._set_fattributes() self._set_layers() @property def thickn(self): return self._thickn @thickn.setter def thickn(self, value): self._thickn = value self._set_fattributes() self._set_layers() @property def rho(self): return self._rho @rho.setter def rho(self, value): self._rho = value self._set_fattributes() self._set_layers() @property def vp(self): return self._vp @vp.setter def vp(self, value): self._vp = value self._set_fattributes() self._set_layers() @property def vpvs(self): return self._vpvs @vpvs.setter def vpvs(self, value): self._vpvs = value self._set_fattributes() self._set_layers() self.update("vs") @property def vs(self): return self._vs @vs.setter def vs(self, value): self._vs = value self._set_fattributes() self._set_layers() @property def flag(self): return self._flag @flag.setter def flag(self, value): self._flag = value self._set_fattributes() self._set_layers() @property def ani(self): return self._ani @ani.setter def ani(self, value): self._ani = value self._set_fattributes() self._set_layers() @property def trend(self): return self._trend @trend.setter def trend(self, value): self._trend = value self._set_fattributes() self._set_layers() @property def plunge(self): return self._plunge @plunge.setter def plunge(self, value): self._plunge = value self._set_fattributes() self._set_layers() @property def strike(self): return self._strike @strike.setter def strike(self, value): self._strike = value self._set_fattributes() self._set_layers() @property def dip(self): return self._dip @dip.setter def dip(self, value): self._dip = value self._set_fattributes() self._set_layers() def __getitem__(self, ilay): """Get a layer or property of the model""" try: # model[0, "thickn"] return self.layers[ilay[0]][ilay[1]] except TypeError: try: # model[0] return self.layers[ilay] except TypeError: # model["thickn"] return np.array([lay[ilay] for lay in self.layers]) def __setitem__(self, layatt, value): """Set a layer or property of the model""" lays = [] atts = [] vals = [] try: # model[0] = {"plunge": 10} syntax # layatt is layer and value is {"att": value} atts = value.keys() for att in atts: vals.append(value[att]) lays = [layatt] * len(vals) except AttributeError: # model[0, "plunge"] = 10 syntax # layatt[0] is layer, layatt[1] is attribute, value is value lays = [layatt[0]] atts = [layatt[1]] vals = [value] for lay, att, val in zip(lays, atts, vals): if att not in msg = f"Unknown attribute: '{att}'. Must be one of: " msg += ", ".join( raise ValueError(msg) self.__dict__["_" + att][lay] = val if att == "ani" and val != 0: self.__dict__["_flag"][lay] = 0 if att == "ani" and val == 0: self.__dict__["_flag"][lay] = 1 if att == "vpvs": self.update(change="vs") else: self.update() def __len__(self): return self.nlay def __str__(self): buf = "# thickn rho vp vs flag aniso trend " buf += "plunge strike dip\n" f = "{: 9.1f} {: 7.1f} {: 7.1f} {: 7.1f} {: 4.0f} {: 6.1f} {: 7.1f} " f += "{: 6.1f} {: 6.1f} {: 5.1f}\n" for th, vp, vs, r, fl, a, tr, p, s, d in zip( self._thickn, self._vp, self._vs, self._rho, self._flag, self._ani, self._trend, self._plunge, self._strike, self._dip, ): buf += f.format(th, r, vp, vs, fl, a, tr, p, s, d) return buf.strip("\n") def __add__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Model): try: other = Model(**other) except TypeError: other = Model(*other) except Exception: msg = "Can only add Model, or valid dict or list to Model." raise TypeError(msg) third = deepcopy(self) for att in third._properties: third.__dict__[att] = np.append(self.__dict__[att], other.__dict__[att]) third.nlay += other.nlay third._set_fattributes() third._set_layers() return third def __eq__(self, other): issame = [ slay[att] == olay[att] for slay, olay in zip(self.layers, other.layers) for att in ] return all(issame) def _set_layers(self): self.layers = [ { prop: self.__dict__[_prop][lay] for prop, _prop in zip(, self._properties) } for lay in range(self.nlay) ] def _set_fattributes(self): if self.nlay > self.maxlay: msg = f"The object is larger (nlay={self.nlay}) than the memory allocated " msg += f"at compile time (maxlay={self.maxlay}). " msg += ( f"Increase maxlay in params.h and when constucting this Model object." ) raise IndexError(msg) tail = np.zeros(self.maxlay - self.nlay) self.fthickn = np.asfortranarray(np.append(self._thickn, tail)) self.frho = np.asfortranarray(np.append(self._rho, tail)) self.fvp = np.asfortranarray(np.append(self._vp, tail)) self.fvs = np.asfortranarray(np.append(self._vs, tail)) self.fflag = np.asfortranarray(np.append(self._flag, tail)) self.fani = np.asfortranarray(np.append(self._ani, tail)) self.ftrend = np.asfortranarray(np.append(self._trend, tail) * np.pi / 180) self.fplunge = np.asfortranarray(np.append(self._plunge, tail) * np.pi / 180) self.fstrike = np.asfortranarray(np.append(self._strike, tail) * np.pi / 180) self.fdip = np.asfortranarray(np.append(self._dip, tail) * np.pi / 180) self.parameters = [ self.fthickn, self.frho, self.fvp, self.fvs, self.fflag, self.fani, self.ftrend, self.fplunge, self.fstrike, self.fdip, self.nlay, ] def _v12str(self): """Legacy Raysum .mod file convention""" buf = "# thickn rho vp vs flag p-aniso s-aniso trend " buf += "plunge strike dip\n" f = "{: 9.1f} {: 7.1f} {: 7.1f} {: 7.1f} {: 4.0f} {: 8.1f} {: 8.1f} {: 7.1f} " f += "{: 6.1f} {: 6.1f} {: 5.1f}\n" for th, vp, vs, r, fl, a, tr, p, s, d in zip( self._thickn, self._vp, self._vs, self._rho, self._flag, self._ani, self._trend, self._plunge, self._strike, self._dip, ): buf += f.format(th, r, vp, vs, fl, a, a, tr, p, s, d) return buf.strip("\n")
[docs] def update(self, change="vpvs"): """ Update all attributes after one of them was changed. Parameters: change (str): Decide which of :py:attr:`vp`, :py:attr:`vs` or :py:attr:`vpvs` should depend on the other two: * `'vpvs'`: Calculate :py:attr:`vpvs` from `vpvs = vp / vs` * `'vp'`: Calculate :py:attr:`vp` from `vp = vs * vpvs` * `'vs'`: Calculate :py:attr:`vs` from `vs = vp / vpvs` Returns: None """ if change == "vp": self._vp = self._vs * self._vpvs elif change == "vs": self._vs = self._vp / self._vpvs elif change == "vpvs": self._vpvs = self._vp / self._vs else: msg = "Unknown value for keyword: " + change raise ValueError(msg) self._set_fattributes() self._set_layers()
[docs] def copy(self): """Return a copy of the model""" return deepcopy(self)
[docs] def change(self, command, verbose=True): """ Change layer properties using a command string. Args: command (str): An arbitrary number of command substrings separated by ';' verbose (bool): Print changed parameters to screen Returns: list of 3*tuple: List of changes applied of the form: (attribute, layer, new value) Note: In the :data:`command` argument, each substring has the form: KEY LAYER SIGN VAL; where KEY [t|vp|vs|psp|pss|s|d|a|tr|pl] is the attribute to change * t: thickness (km) * vp: P wave velocity (km/s) * vs: S wave velocity (km/s) * psp: P to S wave velocity ratio with fixed vs (changing vp) * pss: P to S wave velocity ratio with fixed vp (changing vs) * s: strike (degree) * d: dip (degree) * a: anisotropy (%) * tr: trend of the anisotropy axis (degree) * pl: plunge ot the anisotropy axis (degree) LAYER (int) is the index of the layer SIGN [=|+|-] is to set / increase / decrease the attribute VAL (float) is the value to set / increase / decrease Hint: For example, ``Model.change('t0+10;psp0-0.2;d1+5;s1=45')`` does: 1. Increase the thickness of the first layer by 10 km 2. Decrease Vp/Vs of the of the first layer by 0.2, holding Vs fixed 3. Increase the dip of the second layer by 5 degree 4. Set the strike of the second layer to 45 degree """ ATT = { "t": "thickn", "thickn": "thickn", "vp": "vp", "vs": "vs", "psp": "vpvs", "pss": "vpvs", "s": "strike", "strike": "strike", "d": "dip", "dip": "dip", "a": "ani", "ani": "ani", "tr": "trend", "trend": "trend", "pl": "plunge", "plunge": "plunge", } _ATT = {key: "_" + val for key, val in zip(ATT.keys(), ATT.values())} changed = [] for com in command.split(";"): com = com.strip() if not com: continue # split by sign for sign in "=+-": ans = com.split(sign, maxsplit=1) if len(ans) == 2: break (attlay, val) = ans # Split attribute and layer for n, char in enumerate(attlay): if char in "0123456789": break att = attlay[:n] lay = int(attlay[n:]) val = float(val) # convert thicknes and velocities from kilometers if att in ["t", "vp", "vs"]: val *= 1000 # Which velocity to fix change = "vpvs" if att == "pss": change = "vs" if att == "psp": change = "vp" attribute = ATT[att] _attribute = _ATT[att] # Apply if sign == "=": self.__dict__[_attribute][lay] = val sign = "" # to print nicely below elif sign == "+": self.__dict__[_attribute][lay] += val elif sign == "-": self.__dict__[_attribute][lay] -= val # Set isotropy flag iff layer is isotropic self._flag[lay] = 1 if self._ani[lay] != 0: self._flag[lay] = 0 self.update(change=change) changed.append((attribute, lay, self.__dict__[_attribute][lay])) if verbose: msg = "Changed: {:}[{:d}] {:}= {:}".format(attribute, lay, sign, val) print(msg) return changed
[docs] def split_layer(self, n): """ Split layer `n` into two with half the thickness each, but otherwise identical parameters. Args: n : (int) Index of the layer to split """ for att in self._properties: self.__dict__[att] = np.insert(self.__dict__[att], n, self.__dict__[att][n]) self._thickn[n] /= 2 self._thickn[n + 1] /= 2 self.nlay += 1 self.update()
[docs] def remove_layer(self, n): """ Remove layer `n` Args: n (int): Index of the layer to remove """ for att in self._properties: self.__dict__[att] = np.delete(self.__dict__[att], n) self.nlay -= 1 self.update()
[docs] def average_layers(self, top, bottom): """ Combine layers between top and bottom indices into one with summed thicknesses and averaged vp, vs, and rho. Args: top (int): Index before top-most layer to include in combination bottom (int): Index after bottom-most layer to include in combination Raises: IndexError: if bottom is less or equal to top ValueError: if any layer is anisotropic ValueError: if any layer has a difference in strike or dip """ if bottom <= top: raise IndexError("bottom must be larger than top.") if not all(self._flag[top:bottom]): raise ValueError("Can only combine isotropic layers") if not all(self._dip[top:bottom][0] == self._dip[top:bottom]): raise ValueError("All layers must have the same dip") if not all(self._strike[top:bottom][0] == self._strike[top:bottom]): raise ValueError("All layers must have the same strike") thickn = sum(self._thickn[top:bottom]) weights = self._thickn[top:bottom] / thickn layer = { "_thickn": thickn, "_vp": sum(self._vp[top:bottom] * weights), "_vs": sum(self._vs[top:bottom] * weights), "_rho": sum(self._rho[top:bottom] * weights), } for att in self._properties: try: self.__dict__[att][top] = layer[att] except KeyError: pass self.__dict__[att] = np.delete(self.__dict__[att], range(top + 1, bottom)) self.nlay -= bottom - top - 1 self.update()
[docs] def save(self, fname="sample.mod", comment="", hint=False, version="prs"): """ Alias for :class:`write()` """ self.write(fname=fname, comment=comment, hint=hint, version=version)
[docs] def write(self, fname="sample.mod", comment="", hint=False, version="prs"): """ Write seismic velocity model to disk as Raysum ASCII model file Args: fname (str): Name of the output file (including extension) comment (str): String to write into file header hint (bool): Include usage comment to model file version ("prs" or "raysum"): Use PyRaysum or Raysum file format """ if not comment.startswith("#"): comment = "# " + comment if not comment.endswith("\n"): comment += "\n" if not isinstance(fname, str): print("Warning: filename reverts to default 'sample.mod'") fname = "sample.mod" buf = "# Raysum velocity model created with PyRaysum\n" buf += "# on: {:}\n".format(" ", "seconds")) if hint: buf += _modhint buf += comment if version == "prs": buf += self.__str__() elif version == "raysum": buf += self._v12str() else: msg = f"Unknown version: {version}" raise ValueError(msg) with open(fname, "w") as fil: fil.write(buf)
[docs] def plot(self, zmax=75.0): """ Plot model as stair case, layers and labeled interfaces, and show it Args: zmax (float): Maximum depth of model to plot (km) """ # Initialize new figure fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5)) # Add subplot for profile ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1, 4, 1) self.plot_profile(zmax=zmax, ax=ax1) # Add subplot for layers ax2 = fig.add_subplot(1, 4, 2) self.plot_layers(zmax=zmax, ax=ax2) ax3 = fig.add_subplot(1, 4, (3, 4)) self.plot_interfaces(zmax=zmax, ax=ax3) # Tighten the plot and show it # TODO: tight layout does not work with colorbar. # Do this manually. # plt.tight_layout()
[docs] def plot_profile(self, zmax=75.0, ax=None): """ Plot model as stair case and show it Args: zmax (float): Maximum depth of model to plot (km) ax (plt.axis): Axis handle for plotting. If ``None``, show the plot Returns: plt.axis: Axis handle for plotting """ # Defaults to not show the plot show = False # Find depths of all interfaces in km thickn = self._thickn.copy() if thickn[-1] == 0.0: thickn[-1] = 50000.0 depths = np.concatenate(([0.0], np.cumsum(thickn))) / 1000.0 # Get corner coordinates of staircase representation of model depth = np.array(list(zip(depths[:-1], depths[1:]))).flatten() vs = np.array(list(zip(self._vs, self._vs))).flatten() vp = np.array(list(zip(self._vp, self._vp))).flatten() rho = np.array(list(zip(self._rho, self._rho))).flatten() ani = np.array(list(zip(self._ani, self._ani))).flatten() # Generate new plot if an Axis is not passed if ax is None: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) show = True # Plot background model ax.plot(vs, depth, color="C0", label=r"Vs (m s$^{-1}$)") ax.plot(vp, depth, color="C1", label=r"Vp (m s$^{-1}$)") ax.plot(rho, depth, color="C2", label=r"Density (kg m$^{-3}$)") # If there is anisotropy, show variability if np.any([flag == 0 for flag in self._flag]): ax.plot(vs * (1.0 - ani / 100.0), depth, "--", color="C0") ax.plot(vs * (1.0 + ani / 100.0), depth, "--", color="C0") ax.plot(vp * (1.0 - ani / 100.0), depth, "--", color="C1") ax.plot(vp * (1.0 + ani / 100.0), depth, "--", color="C1") # Fix axes and add labels ax.legend(fontsize=8) ax.set_xlabel("Velocity or Density") ax.set_ylabel("Depth (km)") ax.set_ylim(0.0, zmax) ax.invert_yaxis() ax.grid(ls=":") if show: return ax
[docs] def plot_layers(self, zmax=75.0, ax=None): """ Plot model as horizontal layers and show it Args: zmax (float): Maximum depth of model to plot (km) ax (plt.axis): Axis handle for plotting. If ``None``, show the plot Returns: plt.axis: Axis handle for plotting """ # Defaults to not show the plot show = False # Find depths of all interfaces thickn = self._thickn.copy() if thickn[-1] == 0.0: thickn[-1] = 50000.0 depths = np.concatenate(([0.0], np.cumsum(thickn))) / 1000.0 # Generate new plot if an Axis is not passed if ax is None: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(2, 5)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) show = True else: fig = ax.get_figure() # Define color palette norm = plt.Normalize() colors = # Cycle through layers for i in range(len(depths) - 1): # If anisotropic, add texture - still broken hatch if not self._flag[i] == 1: cax = ax.axhspan(depths[i], depths[i + 1], color=colors[i]) cax.set_hatch("o") # Else isotropic else: cax = ax.axhspan(depths[i], depths[i + 1], color=colors[i]) # Fix axes and labels ax.set_ylim(0.0, zmax) ax.set_xticks(()) ax.invert_yaxis() pos = ax.get_position() ax2 = fig.add_axes([pos.x0, pos.y0 - 0.02, pos.width, 0.015]) cmap =, cmap="GnBu") plt.colorbar(cmap, cax=ax2, orientation="horizontal", label="$V_S$ (m/s)") if show: ax.set_ylabel("Depth (km)") plt.tight_layout() return ax
[docs] def plot_interfaces(self, zmax=75, info=["vp", "vs", "vpvs", "rho"], ax=None): """ Plot model as labeled interfaces with possibly dipping layers Args: zmax (float): Maximum depth of model to plot (km) info (list of str): Which :class:`Model` attributes to list for each layer ax (plt.axis): Axis handle for plotting. If ``None``, show the plot Returns: plt.axis: Axis handle for plotting Raises: ValueError: If element in :const:`info` is not recognized """ # Defaults to not show the plot show = False # Find depths of all interfaces depths = np.concatenate(([0.0], np.cumsum(self._thickn))) / 1000.0 maxdep = depths[-1] + 50 xs = np.array([-maxdep / 2, maxdep / 2]) # Generate new plot if an Axis is not passed if ax is None: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4, 4)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) show = True ax.scatter(0, -0.6, 60, marker="v", c="black") # Cycle through layers for i, depth in enumerate(depths[:-1]): dzdx = np.sin(self._dip[i] * np.pi / 180) zs = depth + xs * dzdx ax.plot(xs, zs, color="black") dipdir = (self._strike[i] + 90) % 360 if i == 0 or self._strike[i] != self._strike[i - 1]: ax.text( xs[-1], zs[-1], ">{:.0f}°".format(dipdir), ha="left", va="center" ) if info: msg = "{: 2d}: ".format(i) for n, inf in enumerate(info): if inf == "vp": msg += "$V_P={:.1f}$km/s".format(self._vp[i] / 1000) elif inf == "vs": msg += "$V_S={:.1f}$km/s".format(self._vs[i] / 1000) elif inf == "vpvs": msg += "$V_P/V_S={:.2f}$".format(self._vpvs[i]) elif inf == "rho": msg += "$\\rho={:.1f}$kg/m$^3$".format(self._rho[i] / 1000) else: err = "Unknown argument to 'info': " + inf raise ValueError(err) if len(info[n:]) > 1: msg += ", " ax.text( 0, depth + 1, msg, rotation=-self._dip[i], rotation_mode="anchor", ha="center", va="top", ) if self._flag[i] == 0: aninfo = "-{:.0f}%-{:.0f}°".format(self._ani[i], self._trend[i]) ax.text( xs[-1], zs[-1] + self._thickn[i] / 2000, aninfo, rotation=-self._plunge[i], ha="left", va="center", ) # Fix axes and labels ax.spines["right"].set_visible(False) ax.spines["top"].set_visible(False) ax.xaxis.set_ticks_position("bottom") ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position("left") ax.set_ylim(0.0, zmax) ax.axis("equal") ax.invert_yaxis() if show: ax.set_ylabel("Depth (km)") plt.tight_layout() return ax
[docs]class Geometry(object): """Ray geometry of seismic events and station configuration. One set of synthetic traces will be computed for each array element. .. note:: This object holds the infromation of the .geom file in classic Raysum Parameters: baz (float or array_like): Ray back-azimuths (deg) slow (float or array_like): Ray slownesses (s/km) dn (float): North-offset of the seismic station (m) de (float): East-offset of the seismic station (m) maxtr (int): Maximum number of traces defined in params.h .. hint:: If :attr:`baz` and :attr:`slow` do not have a different length, one ray will be computed for each *combination* of :attr:`baz` and :attr:`slow` (See examples) The following attributes are set upon initialization. `f` prefixes indicate attributes used for interaction with `fraysum.run_bare()` and `fraysum.run_full()`. ntr (int): Number of traces parameters (list): Convenience attribute that collects the `f`-attributes in the order expected by `fraysum.run_bare()` and `fraysum.run_full()` fbaz (np.ndarray): Ray back-azimuth (radians) fslow (np.ndarray): Ray slowness (m/s) fdn (np.ndarray): North-offset of the seismic station (m) fde (np.ndarray): East-offset of the seismic station (m) Example ------- >>> from pyraysum import Geometry >>> geom = Geometry(60, 0.06) >>> print(geom) #Back-azimuth, Slowness, N-offset, E-offset 60.00 0.0600 0.00 0.00 >>> geom += [[90, 120], 0.04] >>> print(geom) #Back-azimuth, Slowness, N-offset, E-offset 60.00 0.0600 0.00 0.00 90.00 0.0400 0.00 0.00 120.00 0.0400 0.00 0.00 >>> geom = Geometry(range(0, 360, 90), [0.04, 0.08], 10, 35) >>> print(geom) #Back-azimuth, Slowness, N-offset, E-offset 0.00 0.0400 10.00 35.00 90.00 0.0400 10.00 35.00 180.00 0.0400 10.00 35.00 270.00 0.0400 10.00 35.00 0.00 0.0800 10.00 35.00 90.00 0.0800 10.00 35.00 180.00 0.0800 10.00 35.00 270.00 0.0800 10.00 35.00 """ def __init__(self, baz, slow, dn=0, de=0, maxtr=500): self.maxtr = maxtr = {"baz": 0, "slow": 1, "dn": 2, "de": 3} if type(baz) == int or type(baz) == float: baz = [baz] if type(slow) == int or type(slow) == float: slow = [slow] if len(baz) != len(slow): self._geom = [(bb, ss) for ss in slow for bb in baz] else: self._geom = [(bb, ss) for bb, ss in zip(baz, slow)] baz, slow = zip(*self._geom) self._baz = np.array(baz) self._slow = np.array(slow) self.ntr = len(self._baz) self._dn = np.full(self.ntr, dn) self._de = np.full(self.ntr, de) self.rays = [*zip(self._baz, self._slow, self._dn, self._de)] self._set_fattributes() @property def baz(self): return self._baz @property def slow(self): return self._slow @property def dn(self): return self._dn @property def de(self): return self._de def __getitem__(self, iray): if isinstance(iray, tuple): # geometry[0, "baz"] iprop =[iray[1]] return self.rays[iray[0]][iprop] else: try: # geometry["baz"] iprop =[iray] return [tup[iprop] for tup in self.rays] except KeyError: # geometry[0] return self.rays[iray] def __setitem__(self, iray, value): if not isinstance(value, tuple) or len(value) != 4: msg = "Can only set tuple(baz, slow, dn, de)" raise TypeError(msg) self.rays[iray] = value self._baz[iray] = value[0] self._slow[iray] = value[1] self._geom[iray] = (value[0], value[1]) self._dn[iray] = value[2] self._de[iray] = value[3] self._set_fattributes() def __len__(self): return self.ntr def __add__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Geometry): try: other = Geometry(**other) except TypeError: other = Geometry(*other) except Exception: msg = "Can only add Geometry, or valid dict or list to Geometry." raise TypeError(msg) third = deepcopy(self) third._baz = np.append(self._baz, other._baz) third._slow = np.append(self._slow, other._slow) third._dn = np.append(self._dn, other._dn) third._de = np.append(self._de, other._de) third._geom = np.append(self._geom, other._geom) third.ntr += other.ntr third.rays += other.rays third._set_fattributes() return third def __eq__(self, other): return ( all(np.equal(self._baz, other._baz)) and all(np.equal(self._slow, other._slow)) and all(np.equal(self._dn, other._dn)) and all(np.equal(self._de, other._de)) ) def __str__(self): out = "#Back-azimuth, Slowness, N-offset, E-offset\n" form = "{: 13.2f} {: 9.4f} {:9.2f} {:9.2f}\n" for bb, ss, xx, yy in zip(self._baz, self._slow, self._dn, self._de): out += form.format(bb, ss, xx, yy) return out.strip("\n") def _fstr(self): out = "#Back-azimuth, Slowness, N-offset, E-offset\n" form = "{: 13.2f} {: 9.1e} {:9.2f} {:9.2f}\n" for bb, ss, xx, yy in zip(self._baz, self._slow, self._dn, self._de): out += form.format(bb, ss * 1e-3, xx, yy) return out.strip("\n") def _set_fattributes(self): if self.ntr > self.maxtr: msg = f"The object is larger (ntr={self.ntr}) than the memory allocated " msg += f"at compile time (maxtr={self.maxtr}). " msg += ( f"Increase maxtr in params.h and when constucting this Geometry object." ) raise IndexError(msg) tail = np.zeros(self.maxtr - self.ntr) self.fbaz = np.asfortranarray(np.append(self._baz, tail) * np.pi / 180) self.fslow = np.asfortranarray(np.append(self._slow, tail) * 1e-3) self.fdn = np.asfortranarray(np.append(self._dn, tail)) self.fde = np.asfortranarray(np.append(self._de, tail)) self.parameters = [self.fbaz, self.fslow, self.fdn, self.fde, self.ntr]
[docs] def copy(self): """Return a copy of the geometry""" return deepcopy(self)
[docs] def save(self, fname="sample.geom"): """ Alias for :meth:`write()` """ self.write(fname=fname)
[docs] def write(self, fname="sample.geom"): """ Write ray geometry to disk as ascii file Parameters: fname (str): Name of file """ with open(fname, "w") as f: f.write(self._fstr()) print("Geometry written to: " + fname)
[docs] def plot(self, show=True): """ Plot ray geometry in polar coordinates Returns: plt.axis: Axis handle for plotting """ fig, ax = plt.subplots(subplot_kw={"projection": "polar"}) ax.set_theta_zero_location("N") ax.set_theta_direction("clockwise") ax.scatter(self._baz * np.pi / 180, self._slow, s=200, color="black", zorder=10) for n, (b, s) in enumerate(zip(self._baz, self._slow)): t = "{:d}".format(n) b *= np.pi / 180 ax.text(b, s, t, color="white", ha="center", va="center", zorder=12) ax.set_title("Ray Backazimuth and Slowness indices") if show: return ax
[docs]class Control(object): """ Run Control parameters for :meth:``. Parameters: wvtype (str): Wave type of incoming wavefield (:const:`'P'`, :const:`'SV'`, or :const:`'SH'`) mults (int): ID for calculating free surface multiples * 0: no multiple * 1: First interface multiples only * 2: all first-order multiples (once reflected from the surface) * 3: supply phases to be computed via :meth:`Control.set_phaselist` npts (int): Number of samples in time series dt (float): Sampling interval in seconds align (int): ID for time alignment of seismograms * 0 or "none": do not align * 1 or "P": align at `P` * 2 or "SV": align at `SV` * 3 or "SH": align at `SH` shift (float or None): Time shift in seconds (positive shift moves seismograms to greater lags). If ``None``, set to :attr:`dt`, to include direct wave when :const:`align` > 0. rot (int or str): ID for rotation: * 0 or "ZNE": up, north, east [left-handed] * 1 or "RTZ": radial, transverse, down [positive towards source] * 2 or "PVH": P-, SH-, SV-polarization [positive in ray direction] verbose (int or bool): Verbosity: * :const:`0` or :const:`False`: silent * :const:`1` or :const:`True`: verbose maxseg (int): Maximum number of segments per ray, as defined in param.h maxtr (int): Maximum number of traces, as defined in param.h maxph (int): Maximum number of phases per trace, as defined in param.h maxsamp (int): Maximum number of samples per trace, as defined in param.h Attributes: parameters (list): Convenience attribute that collects the attributes in the order expected by :meth:`fraysum.run_bare()` and :meth:`fraysum.run_full()` Warning: The option :const:`rot=0` returns the left-handed ZNE coordinates (Z positive up), conventionally used for seismometers. The internal Fortran rountines (everything imported through :mod:`fraysum`) return right-handed NEZ coordinates (Z positive down). """ def __init__( self, verbose=0, wvtype="P", mults=0, npts=300, dt=0.025, align=1, shift=None, rot=1, maxseg=45, maxtr=500, maxph=40000, maxsamp=100000, ): self.parameters = [0] * 11 self.verbose = verbose self.wvtype = wvtype self.mults = mults self.npts = npts self.dt = dt self.align = align self.rot = rot if shift is None: self.shift = self.dt else: self.shift = shift self._iphase = _iphase[self.wvtype] self._numph = np.int32(0) self._maxseg = maxseg self._maxph = maxph self._maxtr = maxtr self._maxsamp = maxsamp self._phaselist = np.asfortranarray( np.zeros((maxseg, 2, maxph), dtype=np.int32) ) self._nseg = np.asfortranarray(np.zeros(maxph), dtype=np.int32) self._update() @property def verbose(self): return self._verbose @verbose.setter def verbose(self, value): if value not in [0, 1, "0", "1", True, False]: msg = "verbose must be 0 or 1, not: " + str(value) raise ValueError(msg) self._verbose = int(value) self.parameters[7] = self._verbose @property def wvtype(self): return self._wvtype @wvtype.setter def wvtype(self, value): if value not in ["P", "SV", "SH"]: msg = "wvtype must be 'P', 'SV', or 'SH', not: " + str(value) raise ValueError(msg) self._wvtype = value self._iphase = _iphase[self.wvtype] self.parameters[0] = self._iphase @property def mults(self): return self._mults @mults.setter def mults(self, value): if value not in [0, 1, 2, 3, "0", "1", "2", "3"]: msg = "mults must be 0, 1, 2, or 3, not: " + str(value) raise ValueError(msg) self._mults = int(value) self.parameters[1] = self.mults @property def npts(self): return self._npts @npts.setter def npts(self, value): self._npts = int(value) self.parameters[2] = self._npts @property def dt(self): return self._dt @dt.setter def dt(self, value): self._dt = float(value) self.parameters[3] = self._dt @property def align(self): return self._align @align.setter def align(self, value): alignids = [*_aligni] + [*_alignn] if value not in alignids: msg = ( "align must be " + ", ".join([str(alignid) for alignid in alignids]) + ". Not: " + str(value) ) raise ValueError(msg) try: self._align = _aligni[value] except KeyError: self._align = int(value) self.parameters[4] = self._align @property def rot(self): return self._rot @rot.setter def rot(self, value): rotids = [*_roti] + [*_rotn] if value not in rotids: msg = ( "rot must be: " + ", ".join([str(rotid) for rotid in rotids]) + ". Not: " + str(value) ) raise ValueError(msg) try: self._rot = _roti[value] except KeyError: self._rot = int(value) self.parameters[6] = self._rot @property def shift(self): return self._shift @shift.setter def shift(self, value): self._shift = float(value) self.parameters[5] = self._shift def __str__(self): out = "Run control parameters:\n\n" out += "Verbosity: " out += "{:}\n".format(self.verbose) out += "Incoming wave type: " out += "{:}\n".format(self.wvtype) out += "Multiples: " out += "{:}\n".format(self.mults) out += "Number of samples per trace: " out += "{:}\n".format(self.npts) out += "Sample rate (seconds): " out += "{:}\n".format(self.dt) out += "Alignment: " out += "{:}\n".format(_alignn[self.align]) out += "Shift of traces (seconds): " out += "{:}\n".format(self.shift) out += "Rotation to output: " out += "{:}".format(_rotn[self.rot]) return out def _prs_str(self): out = "# Verbosity\n" out += "{:}\n".format(int(self.verbose)) out += "# Phase name\n" out += "{:}\n".format(self.wvtype) out += "# Multiples: 0 for none, 1 for Moho, 2 all first-order\n" out += "{:}\n".format(self.mults) out += "# Number of samples per trace\n" out += "{:}\n".format(self.npts) out += "# Sample rate (seconds)\n" out += "{:}\n".format(self.dt) out += "# Alignment: 0 is none, 1 aligns on P, 2 on SV, 3 on SH\n" out += "{:}\n".format(self.align) out += "# Shift of traces (seconds)\n" out += "{:}\n".format(self.shift) out += "# Rotation to output: 0 is ENZ, 1 is RTZ, 2 is PVH\n" out += "{:}\n".format(self.rot) return out def _v12_str(self): out = "# Multiples: 0 for none, 1 for Moho, 2 all first-order\n" out += "{:}\n".format(self.mults) out += "# Number of samples per trace\n" out += "{:}\n".format(self.npts) out += "# Sample rate (seconds)\n" out += "{:}\n".format(self.dt) out += "# Gaussian pulse width (seconds)\n" out += "1.\n" out += "# Alignment: 0 is none, 1 aligns on P, 2 on SV, 3 on SH\n" out += "{:}\n".format(self.align) out += "# Shift of traces (seconds)\n" out += "{:}\n".format(self.shift) out += "# Rotation to output: 0 is ENZ, 1 is RTZ, 2 is PVH\n" out += "{:}\n".format(self.rot) return out
[docs] def set_phaselist(self, descriptors, equivalent=False, kinematic=False): """ Explicitly set phases to be calculated. Parameters: descriptors (list of str): List of phase descriptors, where each descriptor is a string of consecutive PHASE SEGMENT pairs, where PHASE is: * P upgoing P-wave * S upgoing fast S-wave * T upgoing slow S-wave * p downgoing P-wave * s downgoing fast S-wave * t downgoing slow S-wave SEGMENT is the index of the model layer. equivalent (bool): Augment phaselist by equivalent phases (e.g., `'1P0P0s0P'`; `'1P0S0p0P'`) kinematic (bool): Limit equivalent phases to those with same polarity as input phases Raises: IndexError: If resulting phaselist is longer than :const:`maxph`. Caution: At every interface, S-wave energy split up into a slow and a fast S-wave, `S` and `T`, regardless of layer anisotropy. Make sure to include all contributions when setting a explicit phaselist. It is best to inspect the output of :meth:`Result.descriptors()` of a previous run with :attr:`mults=2` for the ray combinations relevant for your problem. Caution: Using :const:`equivalent=False` may produce incorrect amplitudes, because contributions of equivalent phases may be missing. At the same time, amplitudes are oftentimes correct within 10%. Using :const:`equivalent=True` may cause performance issues. Hint: In a two layer model (index `0` is the topmost subsurface layer, index `1` is the underlying half-space) the :const:`descriptors` compute the phases: * ``['1P0P']``: direct P-wave * ``['1P0S']``: P-to-S1 converted wave * ``['1P0T']``: P-to-S2 converted wave * ``['1P0P', '1P0S', '1P0T]``: direct P-wave and all P-to-S converted waves * ``['1P0P0s0S']``: P reflected s at the surface, reflected S at the top of the half-space See also: :meth:`Result.descriptors()` returns all phases computed in a previous run. See also: :meth:`~pyraysum.prs.equivalent_phases()` outputs equivalent phases explicitly """ self.mults = 3 phre = "[" + "".join(_phids.keys()) + "]" descriptors = list(descriptors) if equivalent: descriptors += equivalent_phases(descriptors, kinematic=kinematic) self._numph = np.int32(len(descriptors)) for iph, dscr in enumerate(descriptors): self._nseg[iph] = sum([dscr.count(c) for c in "".join(_phids.keys())]) for iseg, (mlay, mphs) in enumerate( zip(re.finditer(r"\d+", dscr), re.finditer(phre, dscr)) ): layn = int( phid = _phids[] self._phaselist[iseg, 0, iph] = layn + 1 # Fortran indexing self._phaselist[iseg, 1, iph] = phid self._update()
[docs] def null_phaselist(self, mults=2): """ Do not use phaselist, but compute using :const:`mults` keyword. Args: mults (int): Set :attr:`Control.mults` to this value. """ if mults > 2: msg = "Invalid value : " + str(mults) msg += ". To compute only specific phases, use set_phaselist()" raise ValueError(msg) self._phaselist = np.asfortranarray( np.zeros((self.maxseg, 2, self.maxph), dtype=np.int32) ) self.mults = mults
def _update(self): """ Explicitly update :attr:`parameters` """ self.parameters = [ self._iphase, self.mults, self.npts, self.dt, self.align, self.shift, self.rot, self.verbose, self._nseg, self._numph, self._phaselist, ]
[docs] def save(self, fname="raysum-param", version="prs"): """ Alias for :class:`~pyraysum.prs.Control.write()` """ self.write(fname=fname, version=version)
[docs] def write(self, fname="raysum-param", version="prs"): """ Write parameter file to disk Args: fname: (str) Name of file version: ("prs" or "raysum") Pyraysum or Raysum raysum compatible """ if version == "prs": buf = self._prs_str() elif version == "raysum": buf = self._v12_str() else: msg = f"Unknown version: {version}" raise ValueError(msg) with open(fname, "w") as f: f.write(buf)
[docs]class Result(object): """ Result of a PyRaysum wavefield simulation. 3-component synthetic seismograms are strored as a list of streams in the stream attribute. Includes methods to calculate receiver functions, filter and plot the results. See :func:`run()` for examples. Parameters: model (:class:`~pyraysum.prs.Model`): Subsurface velocity model geometry (:class:`~pyraysum.prs.Geometry`): Recording geometry rc (:class:`~pyraysum.prs.Control`): Run-control parameters streams (list): List of :class:`~obspy.core.Stream` objects. If created with :const:`mode='full'` in :meth:`run()`, the :attr:`stats` attribute of each :class:`~obspy.core.Trace` in each :class:`~obspy.core.Stream` in :attr:`Result.streams` holds the additional attributes: phase_times Arrival times of seismic phases phase_amplitudes Amplitudes of seismic phases phase_descriptors Descriptors of seismic phases. Index indicates layer through which phase propagates. (e.g. "1P0S", see also :meth:`descriptors()`) phase_names Short names of seismic phases (e.g. "PS") conversion_names Conversion names of seismic phases. Index indicates top of layer at which conversion occurs. (e.g. "P1S") """ def __init__(self, model=None, geometry=None, rc=[], streams=[]): self.model = model self.geometry = geometry self.streams = streams self.rc = rc self.rfs = [] def __str__(self): msg = "Result contains:\n" msg += "{:d} synthetic {:}-seismogram(s)\n".format( len(self.streams), _rotn[self.rc.rot] ) msg += "{:d} synthetic receiver function(s)\n".format(len(self.rfs)) if self.model: msg += "\nFrom subsurface model:\n" msg += self.model.__str__() msg += "\n" else: msg += "\nNo subsurface model stored\n" if self.geometry: baz = self.geometry._baz slow = self.geometry._slow msg += "\nBack-azimuth and slowness range is:\n" msg += "{:f} - {:f}° and {:f} - {:f}s/km".format( min(baz), max(baz), min(slow), max(slow) ) else: msg += "\nNo geometry stored." return msg def __getitem__(self, iray): istreams = ["stream", "streams", "seis", "seismogram", "seismograms"] irfs = ["rf", "rfs"] if iray in istreams: return self.streams elif iray in irfs: return self.rfs elif isinstance(iray, int): stream = self.streams[iray] try: rf = self.rfs[iray] except IndexError: rf = Stream() return stream, rf else: msg = "Can only return integer ray index or key in: " msg += ", ".join(istreams, irfs) raise ValueError(msg) def __len__(self): return len(self.streams)
[docs] def calculate_rfs(self): """ Generate receiver functions from spectral division of displacement traces. Will be stored in :attr:`rflist`. Raises: ValueError: In case :class:`Control` parameters a unsuitable. """ if self.rc.rot == 0: msg = "Receiver functions cannot be calculated in geographical " msg += "coordinates, i.e. rc.rot must not be 0" raise (ValueError(msg)) elif self.rc.rot == 1: cmpts = ["R", "T", "Z"] elif self.rc.rot == 2: cmpts = ["V", "H", "P"] rflist = [] # Cycle through list of displacement streams for stream in self.streams: # Calculate time axis npts = stream[0].stats.npts taxis = np.arange(-npts / 2.0, npts / 2.0) * stream[0] # Extract 3-component traces from stream rtr =[0])[0] ttr =[1])[0] ztr =[2])[0] # Deep copy and re-initialize data to 0. rfr = rtr.copy() = np.zeros(len( rft = ttr.copy() = np.zeros(len( # Fourier transform ft_rfr = fft( ft_rft = fft( ft_ztr = fft( # Spectral division to calculate receiver functions if self.rc.wvtype == "P": = fftshift(np.real(ifft(np.divide(ft_rfr, ft_ztr)))) = fftshift(np.real(ifft(np.divide(ft_rft, ft_ztr)))) elif self.rc.wvtype == "SV": = fftshift(np.real(ifft(np.divide(-ft_ztr, ft_rfr)))) elif self.rc.wvtype == "SH": = fftshift(np.real(ifft(np.divide(-ft_ztr, ft_rft)))) # Update stats = "RF" + cmpts[0] = "RF" + cmpts[1] rfr.stats.taxis = taxis rft.stats.taxis = taxis # Store in Stream rfstream = Stream(traces=[rfr, rft]) # Append to list rflist.append(rfstream) self.rfs = rflist return
[docs] def descriptors(self): """ Returns: list Unique list of all phase descriptors present Raises: AttributeError: If no descriptors are present Example ------- >>> from pyraysum import Model, Control, Geometry, run >>> model = Model([30000., 0], [2800., 3300.], [6000., 8000.], [3600., 4500.]) >>> geom = Geometry(0., 0.06) >>> rc = Control(mults=0) >>> seismogram = run(model, geom, rc) >>> seismogram.descriptors() ['1P0P', '1P0S'] """ phl = [] for st in self.streams: for tr in st: try: phl.extend(tr.stats.phase_descriptors) except AttributeError: msg = "No phase descriptors present. Did you run in 'full' mode?" raise AttributeError(msg) return sorted(list(set(phl)))
[docs] def write(self, fname=""): """ Write streams to file, using legacy Raysum trace format Parameters: fname (str): Name of the output file (including extension) """ buf = "#{:>11s}{:>11s}{:>11s}{:>11s}{:>11s}\n".format( "#traces", "#samples", "dt (s)", "align", "shift" ) buf += " {:11d}{:11d}{:11.3f}{:11d}{:11.3f}\n".format( len(self.streams), self.rc.npts, self.rc.dt, self.rc.align, self.rc.shift ) for itr, stream in enumerate(self.streams): arr = np.vstack((stream[0].data, stream[1].data, stream[2].data)).T buf += "#-------------------\n" buf += "# Trace number {:5d}\n".format(itr + 1) # Fortran indexing buf += "#-------------------\n" buf += ( np.array2string( arr, threshold=3 * arr.shape[0] + 1, formatter={"float": lambda i: "{:15.7e}".format(i)}, ) .replace("[", " ") .replace("]", " ") ) buf += "\n" with open(fname, "w") as fid: fid.write(buf)
[docs] def plot(self, typ, **kwargs): """ Plot the displacement seismograms and/or receiver functions stored in :class:`~pyraysum.prs.Result` streams. Parameters: typ (str): Type of plot to show. Options are :const:`'streams'`, :const:`'rfs'`, or :const:`'all'` for the displacement seismograms, receiver functions, or both **kwargs: Are passed to the underlying :meth:`~pyraysum.plot.stream_wiggles` or :meth:`~pyraysum.plot.rf_wiggles` Hint: If :class:`Result` contains only one event (i.e., single :attr:`baz` and :attr:`slow` values), it is more appropriate to plot the waveforms using the default :meth:`Stream.plot()` method on :attr:`Result.streams[0]`. """ if typ == "streams": self.plot_streams(**kwargs) elif typ == "rfs": self.plot_rfs(**kwargs) elif typ == "all": self.plot_streams(**kwargs) self.plot_rfs(**kwargs) else: msg = "'typ' has to be either 'streams', 'rfs' or 'all'" raise (ValueError(msg))
[docs] def filter(self, typ, ftype, **kwargs): """ Filters the displacement seismograms and/or receiver functions stored in :class:`~pyraysum.prs.Result` streams. Parameters: typ (str): Type of plot to show. Options are :const:`'streams'`, :const:`'rfs'`, or :const:`'all'` for the displacement seismograms, receiver functions, or both ftype (str): Type of filter to use in `obspy.Trace.filter <>`_ **kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to `obspy.Trace.filter <>`_ """ if typ == "streams": self.filter_streams(ftype, **kwargs) elif typ == "rfs": self.filter_rfs(ftype, **kwargs) elif typ == "all": self.filter_streams(ftype, **kwargs) try: self.filter_rfs(ftype, **kwargs) except: print("Cannot filter 'rfs'. Continuing.") else: msg = "'typ' has to be either 'streams', 'rfs' or 'all'" raise (TypeError(msg))
def plot_streams(self, scale=1.0e3, tmin=-5.0, tmax=20.0): plot.stream_wiggles(self, scale=scale, tmin=tmin, tmax=tmax) def plot_rfs(self, scale=1.0e3, tmin=-5.0, tmax=20.0): plot.rf_wiggles(self, scale=scale, tmin=tmin, tmax=tmax) def filter_streams(self, ftype, **kwargs): [stream.filter(ftype, **kwargs) for stream in self.streams] def filter_rfs(self, ftype, **kwargs): [rf.filter(ftype, **kwargs) for rf in self.rfs]
[docs]def run(model, geometry, rc, mode="full", rf=False): """ Run a wave-field simulation. This function calls the compiled :mod:`fraysum` binaries. Parameters: model (:class:`~pyraysum.prs.Model`): Subsurface velocity model geometry (:class:`~pyraysum.prs.Geometry`): Recording geometry rc (:class:`~pyraysum.prs.Control`): Run-control parameters mode (str): * :const:`'full'`: Compute seismograms, phase arrivals and descriptors (slower) * :const:`'bare'`: Only compute seismograms (faster) rf (bool): Whether or not to calculate receiver functions Returns: :class:`~pyraysum.prs.Result`: Synthetic seimograms Hint: Best performance is achived by calling :func:`fraysum.run_bare` Example ------- >>> from pyraysum import prs, Model, Geometry, Control >>> # Define two-layer model with isotropic crust over isotropic half-space >>> model = Model([30000., 0], [2800., 3300.], [6000., 8000.], [3600., 4500.]) >>> geom = Geometry(0., 0.06) # baz = 0 deg; slow = 0.06 s/km >>> rc = Control(npts=1500, dt=0.025) >>> result =, geom, rc, rf=True) >>> type(result.streams[0]) <class ''> >>> type(result.rfs[0]) <class ''> >>> seis, rf = result[0] >>> print(seis) 3 Trace(s) in Stream: ...SYR | 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z - 1970-01-01T00:00:37.475000Z | 40.0 Hz, 1500 samples ...SYT | 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z - 1970-01-01T00:00:37.475000Z | 40.0 Hz, 1500 samples ...SYZ | 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z - 1970-01-01T00:00:37.475000Z | 40.0 Hz, 1500 samples >>> print(rf) 2 Trace(s) in Stream: ...RFR | 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z - 1970-01-01T00:00:37.475000Z | 40.0 Hz, 1500 samples ...RFT | 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z - 1970-01-01T00:00:37.475000Z | 40.0 Hz, 1500 samples """ if rf and rc.rot == 0: msg = "Receiver functions cannot be calculated in ZNE coordinates, " msg += "i.e. in rc, 'rot' must not be '0'" raise ValueError(msg) if mode == "full": traces, traveltimes, amplitudes, phaselist = fraysum.run_full( *model.parameters, *geometry.parameters, *rc.parameters ) if rc.mults == 3: # phaselist has not been populated by fraysum phaselist = rc._phaselist arrivals = read_arrivals(traveltimes, amplitudes, phaselist, geometry) elif mode == "bare": traces = fraysum.run_bare( *model.parameters, *geometry.parameters, *rc.parameters ) arrivals = None else: raise ValueError("Unknown mode: " + str(mode)) # Read all traces and store them into a list of :class:`~obspy.core.Stream` streams = read_traces(traces, rc, geometry, arrivals=arrivals) # Store everything into Result object seismogram = Result(model=model, geometry=geometry, rc=rc, streams=streams) if rf: seismogram.calculate_rfs() return seismogram
[docs]def read_model(modfile, encoding=None, version="prs"): """ Reads model parameters from file Parameters: version ("prs" or "raysum"): File has PyRaysum or Raysum format Returns: :class:`~pyraysum.prs.Model`: Seismic velocity model """ vals = np.genfromtxt(modfile, encoding=encoding).T if version == "raysum": # ignore s-anisotropy vals = np.vstack((vals[:6], vals[7:])) return Model(*vals)
[docs]def read_geometry(geomfile, encoding=None): """ Reads geometry parameters from file Returns: :class:`~pyraysum.prs.Geometry`: Ray geometry """ vals = np.genfromtxt(geomfile, dtype=None, encoding=encoding) vals[:, 1] *= 1e3 try: geom = Geometry(*zip(*vals)) except TypeError: # *values contains single line, which is not iterable geom = Geometry([vals[0]], [vals[1]], [vals[2]], [vals[3]]) return geom
[docs]def read_control(paramfile, version="prs"): """ Read Raysum run control parameters from file. Parameters: version: ("prs" or "raysum") File has PyRaysum or Raysum format Returns: :class:`~pyraysum.prs.Control`: Run control parameters """ with open(paramfile, "r") as f: lines = f.readlines() buf = [] for line in lines: line = line.strip() if line.startswith("#"): continue buf.append(line) if version == "prs": return Control(*buf) elif version == "raysum": rc = Control( mults=buf[0], npts=buf[1], dt=buf[2], align=buf[4], shift=buf[5], rot=buf[6] ) return rc
[docs]def equivalent_phases(descriptors, kinematic=False): """ Return descriptors of equivalent phases, i.e. those arriving at the same time as the input phases Parameters: descriptors (list of strings): Phase descriptors as in :meth:`Control.set_phaselist` kinematic (boolean): If True, restrict to kinematically equivalent phases, i.e. those that have the same polarization as input phases Returns: list of strings: List of unique descriptors of equivalent phases Example ------- >>> from pyraysum import prs >>> prs.equivalent_phases(['1P0P0p0S']) ['1P0P0s0P', '1P0S0p0P'] """ ndscrs = [] for dscr in descriptors: lays = np.array([ for match in re.finditer(r"\d+", dscr)]) starts = np.array( [match.start() for match in re.finditer(r"\d+", dscr)] + [len(dscr)] ) nsegs = {lay: len(lays[lays == lay]) for lay in set(lays)} for lay in lays: if nsegs[lay] <= 1: continue for iseg, i0 in enumerate(starts[:-1]): # phase is last char before next segment iph = starts[iseg + 1] - 1 # the actural phase name ipha = dscr[iph] # layer is the chars before that ilay = dscr[starts[iseg] : iph] for jseg, j0 in enumerate(starts[:-1]): # See above comments jph = starts[jseg + 1] - 1 jpha = dscr[jph] jlay = dscr[starts[jseg] : jph] # Only proceed for phases in same layer # but not for the same ray segment if ilay != lay or jlay != lay or iseg == jseg: continue ndscr = np.array(list(dscr)) # Exchange wavetypes # preserve propagation direction if ipha.isupper(): kpha = jpha.upper() else: kpha = jpha.lower() if jpha.isupper(): lpha = ipha.upper() else: lpha = ipha.lower() ndscr[iph] = kpha ndscr[jph] = lpha ndscr = "".join(ndscr) if ndscr in descriptors: # Bail out solution already in input continue if kinematic: # Bail out dissimilar last phase lpin = dscr[-1] lpout = ndscr[-1] if lpin == "P" and (lpout == "S" or lpout == "T"): continue if (lpin == "S" or lpin == "T") and lpout == "P": continue ndscrs.append(ndscr) return sorted(list(set(ndscrs)))