There are several Python scripts that accompany rfpy
, which can be used
in bash scripts to automate data processing. These include scripts to download
three-component seismogram data and calculate receiver functions, and perform
post-processing for H-k stacking and harmonic decomposition. All of them use
a station database provided as a StDb
Downloads three-component (‘Z’, ‘N’ and ‘E’) seismograms based
on available times of earthquakes and performs P-wave receiver function
calculation. Station selection is specified by a network and
station code. The database is provided as a StDb
$ rfpy_calc -h
# __ _ #
# _ __ / _|_ __ _ _ ___ __ _| | ___ #
# | '__| |_| '_ \| | | | / __/ _` | |/ __| #
# | | | _| |_) | |_| | | (_| (_| | | (__ #
# |_| |_| | .__/ \__, |___\___\__,_|_|\___| #
# |_| |___/_____| #
# #
usage: rfpy_calc [arguments] <station database>
Script used to download and pre-process three-component ('Z', 'N', and 'E'),
seismograms for individual events and calculate teleseismic P-wave receiver
functionsThis version requests data on the fly for a given date range. Data
are requested from the internet using the client services framework. The
stations are processed one by one and the data are stored to disk.
positional arguments:
indb Station Database to process from.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--keys STKEYS Specify a comma separated list of station keys for
which to perform the analysis. These must be contained
within the station database. Partial keys will be used
to match against those in the dictionary. For
instance, providing IU will match with all stations in
the IU network [Default processes all stations in the
-v, -V, --verbose Specify to increase verbosity.
-O, --overwrite Force the overwriting of pre-existing data. [Default
Server Settings:
Settings associated with which datacenter to log into.
Specify the server to connect to. Options include:
USP. [Default IRIS]
Enter your IRIS Authentification Username and Password
(--User-Auth='username:authpassword') to access and
download restricted data. [Default no user and
Local Data Settings:
Settings associated with defining and using a local data base of pre-
downloaded day-long SAC files.
--local-data LOCALDATA
Specify a comma separated list of paths containing
day-long sac files of data already downloaded. If data
exists for a seismogram is already present on disk, it
is selected preferentially over downloading the data
using the Client interface
--no-data-zero Specify to force missing data to be set as zero,
rather than default behaviour which sets to nan.
--no-local-net Specify to prevent using the Network code in the
search for local data (sometimes for CN stations the
dictionary name for a station may disagree with that
in the filename. [Default Network used]
--save-Z12 Specify to save Z12 (un-rotated) components. [Default
Event Settings:
Settings associated with refining the events to include in matching event-
station pairs
--start STARTT Specify a UTCDateTime compatible string representing
the start time for the event search. This will
override any station start times. [Default start date
of station]
--end ENDT Specify a UTCDateTime compatible string representing
the end time for the event search. This will override
any station end times [Default end date of station]
--reverse, -R Reverse order of events. Default behaviour starts at
oldest event and works towards most recent. Specify
reverse order and instead the program will start with
the most recent events and work towards older
--minmag MINMAG Specify the minimum magnitude of event for which to
search. [Default 6.0]
--maxmag MAXMAG Specify the maximum magnitude of event for which to
search. [Default None, i.e. no limit]
Geometry Settings:
Settings associatd with the event-station geometries for the specified
--phase PHASE Specify the phase name to use. Be careful with the
distance. setting. Options are 'P' or 'PP'. [Default
--mindist MINDIST Specify the minimum great circle distance (degrees)
between the station and event. [Default depends on
--maxdist MAXDIST Specify the maximum great circle distance (degrees)
between the station and event. [Default depends on
Parameter Settings:
Miscellaneous default values and settings
--sampling-rate NEW_SAMPLING_RATE
Specify new sampling rate in Hz. [Default 10.]
--dts DTS Specify the window length in sec (symmetric about
arrival time). [Default 150.]
--align ALIGN Specify component alignment key. Can be either ZRT,
LQT, or PVH. [Default ZRT]
--vp VP Specify near-surface Vp to use with --align=PVH
(km/s). [Default 6.0]
--vs VS Specify near-surface Vs to use with --align=PVH
(km/s). [Default 3.5]
--dt-snr DT_SNR Specify the window length over which to calculate the
SNR in sec. [Default 30.]
--pre-filt PRE_FILT Specify two floats with low and high frequency corners
for pre-filter (before deconvolution). [Default None]
--fmin FMIN Specify the minimum frequency corner for SNR and CC
filter (Hz). [Default 0.05]
--fmax FMAX Specify the maximum frequency corner for SNR and CC
filter (Hz). [Default 1.0]
Deconvolution Settings:
Parameters for deconvolution
--method METHOD Specify the deconvolution method. Available methods
include 'wiener', 'water' and 'multitaper'. [Default
--gfilt GFILT Specify the Gaussian filter width in Hz. [Default
--wlevel WLEVEL Specify the water level, used in the 'water' method.
[Default 0.01]
Looks for available receiver functions on disk and re-calculates them
using different processing options. Station selection is specified by
a network and station code. The database is provided as a StDb
$ rfpy_recalc -h
# #
# __ _ #
# _ __ / _|_ __ _ _ _ __ ___ ___ __ _| | ___ #
# | '__| |_| '_ \| | | | | '__/ _ \/ __/ _` | |/ __| #
# | | | _| |_) | |_| | | | | __/ (_| (_| | | (__ #
# |_| |_| | .__/ \__, |___|_| \___|\___\__,_|_|\___| #
# |_| |___/_____| #
# #
usage: rfpy_recalc [arguments] <station database>
Script used to re-calculate receiver functions that already exist on disk, but
using different processing options. The stations are processed one by one and
the data are over-written to disk.
positional arguments:
indb Station Database to process from.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--keys STKEYS Specify a comma separated list of station keys for
which to perform the analysis. These must be contained
within the station database. Partial keys will be used
to match against those in the dictionary. For instance,
providing IU will match with all stations in the IU
network [Default processes all stations in the
-v, -V, --verbose Specify to increase verbosity.
Parameter Settings:
Miscellaneous default values and settings
--Z12 Use Z12 data if available. [Default uses ZNE data]
--phase PHASE Specify the phase name to use. Be careful with the
distance. setting. Options are 'P', 'PP', 'allP', 'S',
'SKS' or 'allS'. [Default 'allP']
--resample RESAMPLE Specify the new sampling-rate for the receiver
functions. Note the sampling rate of the original data
(ZNE or Z12) stored on disk is unchanged. [Default
--align ALIGN Specify component alignment key. Can be either ZRT,
LQT, or PVH. [Default ZRT]
--vp VP Specify near-surface Vp to use with --align=PVH (km/s).
[Default 6.0]
--vs VS Specify near-surface Vs to use with --align=PVH (km/s).
[Default 3.5]
--dt-snr DT_SNR Specify the window length over which to calculate the
SNR in sec. [Default 30.]
--pre-filt PRE_FILT Specify two floats with low and high frequency corners
for pre-filter (before deconvolution). [Default None]
--fmin FMIN Specify the minimum frequency corner for SNR filter
(Hz). [Default 0.05]
--fmax FMAX Specify the maximum frequency corner for SNR filter
(Hz). [Default 1.0]
Deconvolution Settings:
Parameters for deconvolution
--method METHOD Specify the deconvolution method. Available methods
include 'wiener', 'water' and 'multitaper'. [Default
--gfilt GFILT Specify the Gaussian filter width in Hz. [Default None]
--wlevel WLEVEL Specify the water level, used in the 'water' method.
[Default 0.01]
Script used to make plots of receiver function panels sorted by back-azimuth (averaging all slowness information) or by slowness (averaging all back-azimuth information).
$ rfpy_recalc -h
# __ _ _ #
# _ __ / _|_ __ _ _ _ __ | | ___ | |_ #
# | '__| |_| '_ \| | | | | '_ \| |/ _ \| __| #
# | | | _| |_) | |_| | | |_) | | (_) | |_ #
# |_| |_| | .__/ \__, |____| .__/|_|\___/ \__| #
# |_| |___/_____|_| #
# #
usage: rfpy_plot [arguments] <station database>
Script used to plot receiver function data
positional arguments:
indb Station Database to process from.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--keys STKEYS Specify a comma separated list of station keys for
which to perform the analysis. These must be contained
within the station database. Partial keys will be used
to match against those in the dictionary. For
instance, providing IU will match with all stations in
the IU network [Default processes all stations in the
-v, -V, --verbose Specify to increase verbosity.
-O, --overwrite Force the overwriting of pre-existing figures.
[Default False]
Pre-processing Settings:
Options for pre-processing of receiver function data before plotting
--snr SNR Specify the vertical component SNR threshold for
extracting receiver functions. [Default 5.]
--snrh SNRH Specify the horizontal component SNR threshold for
extracting receiver functions. [Default None]
--cc CC Specify the CC threshold for extracting receiver
functions. [Default None]
--no-outlier Set this option to delete outliers based on the MAD on
the variance. [Default False]
--binlim BINLIM Specify the minimum number of RFs in each bin.
[Default 3]
--bp BP Specify the corner frequencies for the bandpass
filter. [Default no filtering]
--pws Set this option to use phase-weighted stacking during
binning [Default False]
--nbaz NBAZ Specify integer number of back-azimuth bins to
consider (typically 36 or 72). If not None, the plot
will show receiver functions sorted by back-azimuth
values. [Default None]
--nslow NSLOW Specify integer number of slowness bins to consider
(typically 20 or 40). If not None, the plot will show
receiver functions sorted by slowness values. [Default
--slowbound SLOWBOUND
Specify a list of two floats with minimum and
maximumbounds on slowness (s/km). [Default [0.04,
--bazbound BAZBOUND Specify a list of two floats with minimum and
maximumbounds on back azimuth (degrees). [Default [0,
--phase PHASE Specify the phase name to plot. Options are 'P', 'PP',
'allP', 'S', 'SKS' or 'allS'. [Default 'allP']
Plot Settings:
Options for plot format
--scale SCALE Specify the scaling factor for the amplitude of the
receiver functions in the wiggle plots. [Default 100.
for a back-azimuth plot, 0.02 for a slowness plot]
--normalize Set this option to produce receiver functions
normalized by the max amplitude of stacked RFs.
[Default False]
--trange TRANGE Specify the time range for the x-axis (sec). Negative
times are allowed [Default 0., 30.]
--stacked Set this option to plot a stack of all traces in top
panel. [Default does not plot stacked traces]
--save Set this option if you wish to save the figure.
[Default does not save figure]
--title TITLEPLOT Specify title of figure. [Default None]
--format FORM Specify format of figure. Can be any one of the
validmatplotlib formats: 'png', 'jpg', 'eps', 'pdf'.
[Default 'png']
--plot-event-dist Plot distribution of events on map. Other Plotting
Options will be applied to this figure (title, save,
etc.). [Default no plot]
Loads radial-component receiver function data available on disk
and calculates Moho depth (‘H’) and Vp/Vs (‘k’) of the assumed 1D
crustal structure. Station selection is specified by a network and
station code. The database is provided as a StDb
$ rfpy_hk -h
# __ _ _ #
# _ __ / _|_ __ _ _ | |__ | | __ #
# | '__| |_| '_ \| | | | | '_ \| |/ / #
# | | | _| |_) | |_| | | | | | < #
# |_| |_| | .__/ \__, |___|_| |_|_|\_\ #
# |_| |___/_____| #
# #
usage: rfpy_hk [arguments] <station database>
Script used to process receiver function data for H-k stacking.
positional arguments:
indb Station Database to process from.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--keys STKEYS Specify a comma separated list of station keys for
which to perform the analysis. These must be contained
within the station database. Partial keys will be used
to match against those in the dictionary. For
instance, providing IU will match with all stations in
the IU network [Default processes all stations in the
-v, -V, --verbose Specify to increase verbosity.
-O, --overwrite Force the overwriting of pre-existing data. [Default
Time Settings:
Settings associated with refining the times to include in searching for
receiver function data
--start STARTT Specify a UTCDateTime compatible string representing
the start time for the search. This will override any
station start times. [Default start date of station]
--end ENDT Specify a UTCDateTime compatible string representing
the end time for the search. This will override any
station end times [Default end date of station]
Pre-processing Settings:
Options for pre-processing of receiver function data prior to H-k stacking
--binlim BINLIM Specify the minimum number of RFs in each bin.
[Default 3]
--bp BP Specify the corner frequencies for the bandpass
filter. [Default 0.05,0.5]
--nbaz NBAZ Specify integer number of back-azimuth bins to
consider. [Default 36]
--nslow NSLOW Specify integer number of slowness bins to consider.
[Default 40]
--snr SNR Specify the SNR threshold for extracting receiver
functions. [Default None]
--snrh SNRH Specify the horizontal component SNR threshold for
extracting receiver functions. [Default None]
--cc CC Specify the CC threshold for extracting receiver
functions. [Default None]
--no-outlier Set this option to delete outliers based on the MAD on
the variance. [Default False]
--slowbound SLOWBOUND
Specify a list of two floats with minimum and
maximumbounds on slowness (s/km). [Default [0.04,
--bazbound BAZBOUND Specify a list of two floats with minimum and
maximumbounds on back azimuth (degrees). [Default [0,
--pws Set this option to use phase-weighted stacking during
binning [Default False]
--phase PHASE Specify the phase name to plot. Options are 'P', 'PP',
'allP', 'S', 'SKS' or 'allS'. [Default 'allP']
--copy Set this option to use a copy of the radial component
filtered at different corners for the Pps and Pss
phases. [Default False]
--bp-copy BP_COPY Specify a list of two floats with minimum and
maximumfrequency for the copies stream (Hz). [Default
[0.05, 0.35]]
Settings for H-k Stacking:
Specify parameters of H-k search, includingbounds on search, weights, type
of stacking, etc.
--hbound HBOUND Specify a list of two floats with minimum and
maximumbounds on Moho depth (H, in km). [Default [20.,
--dh DH Specify search interval for H (km). [Default 0.5]
--kbound KBOUND Specify a list of two floats with minimum and
maximumbounds on Vp/Vs (k). [Default [1.56, 2.1]]
--dk DK Specify search interval for k. [Default 0.02]
--weights WEIGHTS Specify a list of three floats with for Ps, Pps and
Pass weights in final stack. [Default [0.5, 2., -1.]]
--type TYP Specify type of final stacking. Options are: 'sum' for
a weighted average (using weights), or 'product' for
the product of positive values in stacks. [Default
--save Set this option to save the HkStack object to file.
[Default doesn't save]
Model Settings:
Miscellaneous default values and settings
--vp VP Specify mean crustal Vp (km/s). [Default 6.0]
--strike STRIKE Specify the strike of dipping Moho. [Default None]
--dip DIP Specify the dip of dipping Moho. [Default None]
Settings for plotting results:
Specify parameters for plotting the H-k stacks.
--plot Set this option to produce a plot of the stacks
[Default does not produce plot]
--save-plot Set this option to save the plot [Default doesn't
--title TITLE Specify plot title [Default has no title]
--format FORM Specify format of figure. Can be any one of the
validmatplotlib formats: 'png', 'jpg', 'eps', 'pdf'.
[Default 'png']
Loads radial and transverse component receiver function data available on disk
and decomposes them into back-azimuth harmonics. Station selection is specified
by a network and station code. The database is provided as a StDb
$ rfpy_harmonics -h
# __ _ _ #
# _ __ / _|_ __ _ _ | |__ __ _ _ __ _ __ ___ ___ _ __ (_) ___ ___ #
# | '__| |_| '_ \| | | | | '_ \ / _` | '__| '_ ` _ \ / _ \| '_ \| |/ __/ __| #
# | | | _| |_) | |_| | | | | | (_| | | | | | | | | (_) | | | | | (__\__ \ #
# |_| |_| | .__/ \__, |___|_| |_|\__,_|_| |_| |_| |_|\___/|_| |_|_|\___|___/ #
# |_| |___/_____| #
# #
usage: rfpy_harmonics [arguments] <station database>
Script used to process receiver function data for harmonic decomposition.
positional arguments:
indb Station Database to process from.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--keys STKEYS Specify a comma separated list of station keys for which
to perform the analysis. These must be contained within
the station database. Partial keys will be used to match
against those in the dictionary. For instance, providing
IU will match with all stations in the IU network
[Default processes all stations in the database]
-v, -V, --verbose Specify to increase verbosity.
-O, --overwrite Force the overwriting of pre-existing data. [Default
Time Settings:
Settings associated with refining the times to include in searching for
receiver function data
--start STARTT Specify a UTCDateTime compatible string representing the
start time for the search. This will override any station
start times. [Default start date of station]
--end ENDT Specify a UTCDateTime compatible string representing the
end time for the search. This will override any station
end times [Default end date of station]
Pre-processing Settings:
Options for pre-processing of receiver function data prior to harmonic
--bp BP Specify the corner frequencies for the bandpass filter.
[Default 0.05,0.5]
--bin NBIN Specify integer number of back-azimuth bins to consider
(typically 36 or 72). [Default does not bin data]
--snr SNR Specify the SNR threshold for extracting receiver
functions. [Default None]
--snrh SNRH Specify the horizontal component SNR threshold for
extracting receiver functions. [Default None]
--cc CC Specify the CC threshold for extracting receiver
functions. [Default None]
--no-outlier Set this option to delete outliers based on the MAD on
the variance. [Default False]
Settings for harmonic decomposition:
Specify parameters for the decomposition, e.g. a fixed azimuth, depth
range for finding the optimal azimuth, etc.
--azim AZIM Specify the azimuth angle along with to perform the
decomposition. [Default 0.]
--find-azim Set this option to calculate the optimal azimuth.
[Default uses the '--azim' value]
--trange TRANGE Specify a list of two floats with minimum and
maximumbounds on time range for finding the optimal
azimuth (sec). [Default [0., 10.] when '--find-azim' is
--save Set this option to save the Harmonics object to a pickled
file. [Default does not save object]
Settings for plotting results:
Specify parameters for plotting the back-azimuth harmonics.
--plot Set this option to produce a plot of the back-azimuth
--ymax YMAX Specify the maximum y axis value for the plot in units of
thedependent variable (e.g., sec). [Default 30.]
--scale SCALE Specify the scaling value that multiplies the amplitude
of the harmonic components. [Default 10.]
--save-plot Set this option to save the plot [Default doesn't save]
--title TITLE Specify plot title [Default has no title]
--format FORM Specify format of figure. Can be any one of the
validmatplotlib formats: 'png', 'jpg', 'eps', 'pdf'.
[Default 'png']
Loads radial component receiver function data available on disk
and processes them for Common Conversion Point stacking along a linear
profile. The three CCP phase stacks (Ps, Pps and Pss) are averaged
using a weighted sum, or using phase-weighted stacking to downweight
incoherent signal across all stacks. The phase stacks can be further
smoothed using a Gaussian kernel that simulates P-wave sensitivity.
Station selection is specified by a network and station code.
The database is provided as a StDb
The start and end coordinates (latitude, longitude) of the profile must be supplied as –start= and –end= parameters. The CCP stacks will be projected along the line, regardless of station distance normal to the line.
$ rfpy_ccp -h
# __ #
# _ __ / _|_ __ _ _ ___ ___ _ __ #
# | '__| |_| '_ \| | | | / __/ __| '_ \ #
# | | | _| |_) | |_| | | (_| (__| |_) | #
# |_| |_| | .__/ \__, |___\___\___| .__/ #
# |_| |___/_____| |_| #
# #
usage: rfpy_ccp [arguments] <station database>
Script used to process receiver function data for common-conversion-point
(CCP) imaging.
positional arguments:
indb Station Database to process from.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--keys STKEYS Specify a comma separated list of station keys for
which to perform the analysis. These must be contained
within the station database. Partial keys will be used
to match against those in the dictionary. For instance,
providing IU will match with all stations in the IU
network [Default processes all stations in the
-v, -V, --verbose Specify to increase verbosity.
-O, --overwrite Force the overwriting of pre-existing data. [Default
Line Geometry Settings:
Options for defining the line along which to produce the CCP image
--start COORD_START Specify a list of two floats with the latitude and
longitude of the start point, in this respective order.
[Exception raised if not specified]
--end COORD_END Specify a list of two floats with the latitude and
longitudeof the end point, in this respective order.
[Exception raised if not specified]
--dz DZ Specify vertical cell size in km. [Default 1.]
--dx DX Specify horizontal cell size in km. [Default 2.5]
Pre-processing Settings:
Options for pre-processing of receiver function data for CCP stacking
--snr SNR Specify the SNR threshold for extracting receiver
functions. [Default None]
--snrh SNRH Specify the horizontal component SNR threshold for
extracting receiver functions. [Default None]
--cc CC Specify the CC threshold for extracting receiver
functions. [Default None]
--no-outlier Set this option to delete outliers based on the MAD on
the variance. [Default False]
--binlim BINLIM Specify the minimum number of RFs in each bin. [Default
--f1 F1 Specify the low frequency corner for the bandpass
filter for all phases (Hz). [Default [0.05]]
--f2ps F2PS Specify the high frequency corner for the bandpass
filter for the Ps phase (Hz). [Default [0.75]]
--f2pps F2PPS Specify the high frequency corner for the bandpass
filter for the Pps phase (Hz). [Default [0.36]]
--f2pss F2PSS Specify the high frequency corner for the bandpass
filter for the Pss phase (Hz). [Default [0.3]]
--nbaz NBAZ Specify integer number of back-azimuth bins to
consider. [Default 36]
--nslow NSLOW Specify integer number of slowness bins to consider.
[Default 40]
--wlen WLEN Specify wavelength of P-wave as sensitivity (km).
[Default 35.]
--phase PHASE Specify the phase name to plot. Options are 'P', 'PP',
'allP', 'S', 'SKS' or 'allS'. [Default 'allP']
CCP Settings:
Options for specifying the type of CCP stacking to perform
--load Step 1. Set this option to load rfstreams into CCPimage
object. [Default False]
--prep Step 2. Set this option to prepare CCPimage before pre-
stacking. [Default False]
--prestack Step 3. Set this option to prestack all phases before
CCP averaging. [Default False]
--ccp Step 4a. Set this option for standard CCP stacking with
multiples. [Default False]
--gccp Step 4b. Set this option for Gaussian-weighted CCP
stacking with multiples. [Default False]
--linear Step 5a. Set this option to produce a linear, weighted
stack for the final [G]CCP image. [Default True unless
--phase is set]
--pws Step 5b. Set this option to produce a phase weighted
stack for the final [G]CCP image. [Default False]
--weights WEIGHTS Option to define weights for each of the three phases:
Ps, Pps and Pss, by specifying three comma-separated
floats. [Default 1., 3., -3.]
Figure Settings:
Options for specifying the settings for the final figure
--figure Set this option to plot the final [G]CCP figure.
[Default False]
--cbound CBOUND Set the maximum value for the color palette. [Default
0.05 for --ccp or 0.015 for --gccp]
--save-fig Set this option to save the final [G]CCP figure. This
option can only be set if --figure is also set.[Default
--title TITLE Set Figure title. [Default None]
--format FMT Set format of figure. You can choose among 'png',
'jpg', 'eps', 'pdf'. [Default 'png']