There are several Python scripts that accompany splitpy
, which can be used
in bash scripts to automate data processing. These include scripts to download
three-component seismogram data and automatically calculate splitting parameters,
manually refine the analysis window for more precise estimates, and final averaging
of splitting parameters at single stations. All of them use
a station database provided as a StDb
This script can be used in one of two ways: 1) to download/collect available
teleseismic shear-wave data for later processing; and 2) to further perform
an automated processing for the shear-wave splitting estimates using default
parameters. Station selection is specified by a network and
station code. The data base is provided in a pickled file as a
$ split_calc_auto.py -h
usage: split_calc_auto.py [arguments] <station database>
Script wrapping together the python-based implementation of SplitLab by
Wustefeld and others. This version requests data on the fly for a given date
range. Data is requested from the internet using the client services framework
or from data provided on a local disk. The stations are processed one by one
with the SKS Splitting parameters measured individually using both the
Rotation-Correlation (RC) and Silver & Chan (SC) methods.
positional arguments:
indb Station Database to process from.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--keys STKEYS Specify a comma separated list of station keys for
which to perform the analysis. These must be contained
within the station database. Partial keys will be used
to match against those in the dictionary. For
instance, providing IU will match with all stations in
the IU network [Default processes all stations in the
-v, -V, --verbose Specify to increase verbosity.
-O, --overwrite Force the overwriting of pre-existing Split results.
Default behaviour prompts for those that already
exist. Selecting overwrite and skip (ie, both flags)
negate each other, and both are set to false (every
repeat is prompted). [Default False]
-K, --skip-existing Skip any event for which existing splitting results
are saved to disk. Default behaviour prompts for each
event. Selecting skip and overwrite (ie, both flags)
negate each other, and both are set to False (every
repeat is prompted). [Default False]
-C, --calc Analyze data for shear-wave splitting. [Default saves
data to folders for subsequent analysis]
-P, --plot-diagnostic
Plot diagnostic window at end of process. [Default
Server Settings:
Settings associated with which datacenter to log into.
Specify the server to connect to. Options include:
USP. [Default IRIS]
Enter your IRIS Authentification Username and Password
(--User-Auth='username:authpassword') to access and
download restricted data. [Default no user and
Local Data Settings:
Settings associated with defining and using a local data base of pre-
downloaded day-long SAC files.
--local-data LOCALDATA
Specify a comma separated list of paths containing
day-long sac files of data already downloaded. If data
exists for a seismogram is already present on disk, it
is selected preferentially over downloading the data
using the Client interface
--no-data-zero Specify to force missing data to be set as zero,
rather than default behaviour which sets to nan.
--no-local-net Specify to prevent using the Network code in the
search for local data (sometimes for CN stations the
dictionary name for a station may disagree with that
in the filename. [Default Network used]
Parameter Settings:
Miscellaneous default values and settings
--sampling-rate NEW_SAMPLING_RATE
Specify new sampling rate in Hz. [Default 10.]
--min-snr MSNR Minimum SNR value calculated on the radial (Q)
component to proceed with analysis (dB). [Default 5.]
--window DTS Specify time window length before and after the SKS
arrival. The total window length is 2*dst (sec).
[Default 120]
--max-delay MAXDT Specify the maximum delay time in search (sec).
[Default 4]
--dt-delay DDT Specify the time delay increment in search (sec).
[Default 0.1]
--dphi DPHI Specify the fast angle increment in search (degree).
[Default 1.]
--snrT SNRTLIM Specify the minimum SNR Threshold for the Transverse
component to be considered Non-Null. [Default 1.]
--fmin FMIN Specify the minimum frequency corner for SNR filter
(Hz). [Default 0.02]
--fmax FMAX Specify the maximum frequency corner for SNR filter
(Hz). [Default 0.5]
Event Settings:
Settings associated with refining the events to include in matching
station pairs
--start STARTT Specify a UTCDateTime compatible string representing
the start time for the event search. This will
override any station start times. [Default start date
of each station]
--end ENDT Specify a UTCDateTime compatible string representing
the end time for the event search. This will override
any station end times [Default end date of each
--reverse, -R Reverse order of events. Default behaviour starts at
oldest event and works towards most recent. Specify
reverse order and instead the program will start with
the most recent events and work towards older
--min-mag MINMAG Specify the minimum magnitude of event for which to
search. [Default 6.0]
--max-mag MAXMAG Specify the maximum magnitude of event for which to
search. [Default None, i.e. no limit]
Geometry Settings:
Settings associatd with the event-station geometries
--min-dist MINDIST Specify the minimum great circle distance (degrees)
between the station and event. [Default 85]
--max-dist MAXDIST Specify the maximum great circle distance (degrees)
between the station and event. [Default 120]
--phase PHASE Specify the phase name to use. Be careful with the
distance. setting. Options are 'SKS' or 'SKKS'.
[Default 'SKS']
This script is used if the user desires manual re-picking of the analysis window
for refined estimates. Station selection is specified by a network and
station code. The data base is provided in a pickled file as a
$ split_calc_manual.py -h
usage: split_calc_manual.py [arguments] <station database>
Script to process and calculate the spliting parameters for a dataset that has
already been downloaded by split_calc_auto.py.
positional arguments:
indb Station Database to process from.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--keys STKEYS Specify a comma separated list of station keys for
which to perform analysis. These must be contained
within the station database. Partial keys will be used
to match against those in the dictionary. For
instance, providing IU will match with all stations in
the IU network [Default processes all stations in the
-v, -V, --verbose Specify to increase verbosity.
Parameter Settings:
Miscellaneous default values and settings
--window DTS Specify time window length before and after the SKS
arrival. The total window length is 2*dst (sec).
[Default 120]
--max-delay MAXDT Specify the maximum delay time. [Default 4 s]
--time-increment DDT Specify the time increment. [Default 0.1 s]
--angle-increment DPHI
Specify the angle increment. [Default 1 d]
--transverse-SNR SNRTLIM
Specify the minimum SNR Threshold for the Transverse
component to be considered Non-Null. [Default 1.]
Event Settings:
Settings associated with refining the events to include in matching
station pairs
--start STARTT Specify a UTCDateTime compatible string representing
the start time for the event search. This will
override any station start times. [Default more recent
start date for each station pair]
--end ENDT Specify a UTCDateTime compatible string representing
the end time for the event search. This will override
any station end times [Default older end date for each
the pair of stations]
--reverse-order, -R Reverse order of events. Default behaviour starts at
oldest event and works towards most recent. Specify
reverse order and instead the program will start with
the most recent events and work towards older
This script is used for producing station average shear-wave splitting estimates obtained
from either the automated or manual mode.
Station selection is specified by a network and
station code. The data base is provided in a pickled file as a
$ split_average.py -h
usage: split_average.py [arguments] <station database>
Script to plot the average splitting results for a given station. Loads the
available .pkl files in the specified Station Directory.
positional arguments:
indb Station Database to process from.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--keys STKEYS Specify a comma separated list of station keys for
which to perform analysis. These must be contained
within the station database. Partial keys will be used
to match against those in the dictionary. For
instance, providing IU will match with all stations in
the IU network [Default processes all stations in the
-v, -V, --verbose Specify to increase verbosity.
--show-fig Specify show plots during processing - they are still
saved to disk. [Default only saves]
-A, --auto Specify to use automatically processed split results.
[Default uses refined ('manual') split results]
Null Selection Settings:
Settings associated with selecting which Null or Non-Null data is included
--nulls, --Nulls Specify this flag to include Null Values in the
average. [Default Non-Nulls only]
--no-nons, --No-Nons Specify this flag to exclude Non-Nulls from the
average [Default False]
Quality Selection Settings:
Settings associated with selecting the qualities to include in the
--No-Good, --no-good Specify to exclude 'Good' measurements from the
average. [Default Good + Fair]
--No-Fair, --no-fair Specify to exclude 'Fair' measurements from the
average [Default Good + Fair]
--Poor, --poor Specify to include 'Poor' measurements in the average
[Default No Poors]
Split Type Settings:
Settings to Select which Split types are included in the selection.
--RC-Only, --rc-only, --RC-only
Specify to only include RC splits in the average.
[Default RC + SC]
--SC-Only, --sc-only, --SC-only
Specify to only include SC splits in the average.
[Default RC + SC]