.. figure:: ../pyraysum/examples/picture/PyRaysum_logo.png :align: center Licence ------- Copyright 2022 Wasja Bloch, Pascal Audet Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Installation ------------ Dependencies ++++++++++++ ``PyRaysum`` requires a modern Fortran compiler (e.g., `gfortran `_, ifort) and `obspy `_. By default, both ``numpy`` and ``matplotlib`` are installed as dependencies of ``obspy``. .. warning:: There appears to be an issue when installing `obspy==1.2.2` with `numpy=1.22.2`. If you run into `AttributeError: 'numpy.int64' object has no attribute 'split'`, you can downgrade to `numpy=1.21.5` with `conda install numpy=1.21.5` within the conda environment (see below). Conda environment +++++++++++++++++ We recommend creating a custom `conda environment `_ where ``pyraysum`` can be installed along with its dependencies: .. sourcecode:: bash conda create -n prs python=3.8 fortran-compiler obspy -c conda-forge Activate the newly created environment: .. sourcecode:: bash conda activate prs You can interchange the name ``prs`` for any environment name you like. Installing latest version from PyPI +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .. sourcecode:: bash pip install pyraysum Installing development version from source ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - Clone the repository: .. sourcecode:: bash git clone https://github.com/paudetseis/PyRaysum.git cd PyRaysum - Install using ``pip``: .. sourcecode:: bash pip install . Testing +++++++ ``pyraysum`` is bundled with unit tests that can be run once the software is installed. - Install ``pytest`` .. sourcecode:: bash conda install pytest - Run the tests .. sourcecode:: bash mkdir empty cd empty pytest -v ../pyraysum/tests/ Usage ----- Jupyter Notebooks +++++++++++++++++ Included in this package is a set of Jupyter Notebooks (see Table of Content), that give examples on how to call the various routines and obtain plane wave seismograms and receiver functions. In particular, the Notebooks describe how to reproduce published examples of synthetic data from `Porter et al. (2011) `_. After ``pyraysum`` is installed, these notebooks can be locally installed (i.e., in a local folder ``Examples``) from the package by typing in a ``python`` window: .. sourcecode :: python from pyraysum import doc doc.install_doc(path='Examples') This will also install packaged data that are necessary to run the notebooks. Note that to run the notebooks, you will have to further install ``jupyter``. From the terminal, type: .. sourcecode :: bash conda install jupyter Followed by: .. sourcecode :: bash cd Notebooks jupyter notebook You can then save the notebooks as ``python`` scripts, check out the model files and set up your own examples. Seismic velocity models +++++++++++++++++++++++ Loading a model file ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In the Jupiter notebooks you will find a folder named ``data`` where a few examples are provided. The header of the file ``model_Porter2011_dip.txt`` looks like: .. sourcecode:: bash ################################################ # # Model file to use with `telewavesim` for # modeling teleseismic body wave propagation # through stratified media. # # Lines starting with '#' are ignored. Each # line corresponds to a unique layer. The # bottom layer is assumed to be a half-space # (Thickness is irrelevant). # # Format: # Column Contents # 0 Thickness (m) # 1 Density (kg/m^3) # 2 Layer P-wave velocity (m/s) # 3 Layer S-wave velocity (m/s) # 4 Layer flag # 1: isotropic # 0: transverse isotropy # 5 % Transverse anisotropy (if Layer flag is set to 0) # 0: isotropic # +: fast symmetry axis # -: slow symmetry axis # 6 Trend of symmetry axis (degrees) # 7 Plunge of symmetry axis (degrees) # 8 Interface strike (degrees) # 9 Interface dip (degrees) # ################################################ This header is not required and can be deleted when you become familiar with the various definitions. Note that the code requires 10 entries per layer (i.e., per line), regardless of whether or not the variable is required (it will simply be ignored if it's not). Let us break down each line, depending on how you set ``Layer flag``: Layer flag set to ``1`` ************************* This case represents a case where the medium is isotropic. - Set column 0 (``Thickness``), column 1 (``Density``), column 2 (``P-wave velocity``), column 3 (``S-wave velocity``) and column 4 (set to ``1``) - Set columns 5 to 7 to ``0.`` or any other numerical value - they will be ignored by the code. - Set columns 8 and 9 to the strike and dip angles of the top interface in degrees (0. by default) Layer flag set to ``0`` ************************* This case represents a transversely isotropic medium. We adhere with the definition in `Porter et al. (2011) `_, whereby the parameter :math:`\eta`, which describes the curvature of the velocity “ellipsoid” between the :math:`V_P`-fast and :math:`V_P`-slow axes, varies with anisotropy for a 2-:math:`\psi` model and is not fixed. The column 5 in this case sets the percent anisotropy for both :math:`V_P` and :math:`V_S` (equal anisotropy for both :math:`V_P` and :math:`V_S`). - Set all columns to the required numerical value (and column 4 to ``0``) Creating a ``Model`` class instance ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Models can also be defined on the fly in Python using arrays or lists that contain the relevant information as input into an instance of the :class:`~pyraysum.prs.Model` class. Examples ******** .. sourcecode:: python >>> from pyraysum import Model - Define a model with two flat, isotropic layers (i.e., layer over half-space) .. sourcecode:: python >>> thick = [20000., 0.] # Second layer thickness is irrelevant (half-space) >>> rho = [2800., 3300.] >>> vp = [4600., 6000.] >>> vs = [2600., 3600.] >>> model = Model(thick, rho, vp, vs) - Define a model with transversely isotropic crust over isotropic half-space .. sourcecode:: python >>> # Example using a single line >>> model = Model( [20000., 0.], [2800., 3300.], [4000., 6000.], [2600., 3600.], [0, 1], [5., 0], [30., 0], [10., 0], [0., 0.], [0., 0.], ) .. note:: In this example all entries for the first layer are required. Here the anisotropy is set to 5% (i.e., fast axis of symmetry; for slow axis the user should input ``-5.``) and the axis of symmetry has a trend of 30 degrees and a plunge of 10 degrees. An important note on dipping layers *********************************** In the model setup, it is more appropriate to think of the layer strike and dip angles as the angles of the *top interface*. For a truly dipping *layer*, bounded above and below by dipping interfaces, the strike and dip angles should also be applied to the top interface of the *underlying* layer. Note that if those angles are not the same across the layers, dipping layer thickness is not conserved and the code may produce aberrant results. For instance, the dipping layer model of `Porter et al. (2011) `_ where a lower-crustal low-velocity layer has a strike of 90 degrees and dip angle of 20 degrees, is specified as: .. sourcecode:: python >>> # Example of dipping layer from Porter et al. (2011) >>> thick = [20000., 5000., 0.] >>> rho = [2800., 2800., 2800.] >>> vp = [6400., 5800., 7800.] >>> vs = [3660., 3314., 4480.] >>> strike = [0., 90., 90.] >>> dip = [0., 20., 20.] >>> model = Model(thick, rho, vp, vs, strike=strike, dip=dip) Plotting a model ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When a :class:`~pyraysum.prs.Model` is created (or read from a file as above), the ``model`` instance has methods to generate plots of the seismic velocity model that it describes. The simplest option is to use the ``plot()`` method, which will produce a figure with three subplots: 1) a stair-case plot of the seismic velocity and density profiles, 2) a layered (stratigraphic-like) representation of the model, and 3) a labeled geometric representation of layer properties. These subplots can be created separately using the ``plot_profile()``, ``plot_layers()`` and ``plot_interfaces()`` methods directly. Example ******* .. sourcecode:: python >>> from pyraysum import Model - Define a four-layer model with a mix of isotropic and transverse isotopic properties. .. sourcecode:: python >>> thick = [15000., 20000., 15000., 0.] >>> rho = [2750., 2800., 3300., 3250.] >>> vp = [4300., 4600., 5600., 6000.] >>> vs = [2400., 2600., 3300., 3600.] >>> flag = [1, 1, 0, 1] >>> ani = [0., 0., 5., 0.] >>> trend = [0., 0., 30., 0.] >>> plunge = [0., 0., 20., 0.] >>> model = Model(thick, rho, vp, vs, flag=flag, ani=ani, trend=trend, plunge=plunge) >>> model.plot() .. figure:: ../pyraysum/examples/picture/Figure_4layer_model.png :align: center Basic usage +++++++++++ These examples are extracted from the :func:`~pyraysum.prs.run` function. The default type of the incoming teleseismic body wave is ``'P'`` for compressional wave. Other options are ``'SV'`` or ``'SH'`` for vertically-polarized or horizontally-polarized shear wave, respectively. Incident wave types cannot be mixed. Modeling a single event ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here we model P waveforms from a single event, characterized by a back-azimuth of 30 degrees and slowness of 0.05 s/km. Let's examine the synthetic waveforms that would be recorded in a Z-N-E coordinate system (``rot=0``) from the P-wave propagating through a simple homogeneous crust over a mantle half-space: .. sourcecode:: python >>> from pyraysum import prs, Model, Geometry, Control >>> # Define model with isotropic crust over isotropic half-space mantle >>> model = Model([30000., 0], [2800., 3300.], [6000., 8000.], [3600., 4500.]) >>> # Define the ray geometry for one event >>> geom = Geometry(30., 0.05) # baz = 30 deg; slow = 0.05 s/km >>> # Define the run-control parameters >>> # sampling of 0.025 s; 1500 samples; with multiples; in Z-N-E coordinate system >>> rc = Control(dt=0.025, npts=1500, mults=1, rot=0) >>> # Run Raysum for this setup >>> streamlist = prs.run(model, geom, rc) Examine the resulting three-component stream .. sourcecode:: python >>> st = streamlist.streams[0] >>> type(st) >>> print(st) 3 Trace(s) in Stream: .prs..R | 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z - 1970-01-01T00:00:37.475000Z | 40.0 Hz, 1500 samples .prs..T | 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z - 1970-01-01T00:00:37.475000Z | 40.0 Hz, 1500 samples .prs..Z | 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z - 1970-01-01T00:00:37.475000Z | 40.0 Hz, 1500 samples Filter streams using a lowpass filter and plot using the ``obspy`` function. .. sourcecode:: python >>> streamlist.filter('streams', 'lowpass', freq=1., corners=2, zerophase=True) >>> streamlist.streams[0].plot() .. figure:: ../pyraysum/examples/picture/Figure_Moho.png :align: center Modeling multiple events ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We again model P waveforms but this time for multiple event origins. The example above can be slightly modified to use an array of back-azimuth values (and/or array of slowness values). Let's examine both options. Here we only modify the lines ``geom =`` and keep the rest of the code snippet unchanged. We also modify the time limits in the plot of amplitude versus slowness to emphasize the effect on delay times. Array of back-azimuth values **************************** .. sourcecode:: python >>> import numpy as np >>> # baz from 0 to 360 deg; slow = 0.05 s/km >>> geom = Geometry(np.arange(0., 360., 10.), 0.05) >>> streamlist = prs.run(model, geom, rc) >>> streamlist.filter('streams', 'lowpass', freq=1., corners=2, zerophase=True) >>> prs.plot.stream_wiggles(streamlist) .. figure:: ../pyraysum/examples/picture/Figure_baz_ZNE.png :align: center Note that the same figure could be obtained with: .. sourcecode:: python >>> streamlist.plot('streams') Array of slowness values ************************ .. sourcecode:: python >>> # baz = 30 deg; slow from 0.04 to 0.08 s/km >>> geom = Geometry(30., np.arange(0.04, 0.08, 0.002)) >>> streamlist = prs.run(model, geom, rc) >>> streamlist.filter('streams', 'lowpass', freq=1., corners=2, zerophase=True) >>> prs.plot.stream_wiggles(streamlist, btyp='slow', tmin=0., tmax=10.) .. figure:: ../pyraysum/examples/picture/Figure_slow_ZNE.png :align: center Note that the same figure could be obtained with: .. sourcecode:: python >>> streamlist.plot('streams', btyp='slow', tmin=0., tmax=10.) Modeling receiver functions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Receiver functions can only be calculated for component rotations equal to '1' (R-T-Z system) or '2' (P-SV-SH system). There are two ways to calculate receiver functions - either directly from the function ``run()`` with the argument ``rf=True`` (default is ``rf=False``), or after you have obtained the 3-component seismograms from ``run()`` with ``rot=1`` or ``rot=2``. Here we calculate receiver functions for a single event. Other examples that describe receiver function calculation for multiple events are included in the accompanying Jupyter notebook tutorials. Let's first setup a simulation for a simple 2-layer model: .. sourcecode:: python >>> from pyraysum import prs, Model, Geometry, Control >>> # Define model with isotropic crust over isotropic half-space mantle >>> model = Model([30000., 0], [2800., 3300.], [6000., 8000.], [3600., 4500.]) >>> geom = Geometry(0., 0.06) # baz = 0 deg; slow = 0.06 s/km >>> rc = Control(dt=0.025, npts=1500, mults=1, rot=1) Method 1 ******** .. sourcecode:: python >>> streamlist1 = prs.run(model, geom, rc, rf=True) >>> # Print stream of receiver functions >>> print(streamlist1.rfs[0]) 2 Trace(s) in Stream: .prs..RFR | 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z - 1970-01-01T00:00:37.475000Z | 40.0 Hz, 1500 samples .prs..RFT | 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z - 1970-01-01T00:00:37.475000Z | 40.0 Hz, 1500 samples >>> # Filter and plot >>> streamlist1.filter('rfs', 'lowpass', freq=1., corners=2, zerophase=True) >>> streamlist1.rfs[0].plot() Method 2 ******** .. sourcecode:: python >>> streamlist2 = prs.run(model, geom, rc) >>> streamlist2.calculate_rfs() >>> # Print stream of receiver functions >>> print(streamlist2.rfs[0]) 2 Trace(s) in Stream: .prs..RFR | 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z - 1970-01-01T00:00:37.475000Z | 40.0 Hz, 1500 samples .prs..RFT | 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z - 1970-01-01T00:00:37.475000Z | 40.0 Hz, 1500 samples >>> # Filter and plot >>> streamlist2.filter('rfs', 'lowpass', freq=1., corners=2, zerophase=True) >>> streamlist2.rfs[0].plot() Both methods will produce the same receiver function figure. Notice the zero lag time is located at the center of the time axis. You can also observe wrap-around effects (weak arrivals before zero-lag time). Be careful when selecting time sampling parameters when running ``Raysum`` to minimize those. .. figure:: ../pyraysum/examples/picture/Figure_RF_Moho.png :align: center