Module plotting

This platecurie` module contains the following functions for plotting:

platecurie.plotting.plot_stats(trace, summary, map_estimate, title=None, save=None)

Extract results from variables trace, summary and map_estimate to plot marginal and joint posterior distributions. Automatically determines how to plot results from those variables.

  • trace (MultiTrace) – Posterior samples from the MCMC chains

  • summary (DataFrame) – Summary statistics from Posterior distributions

  • map_estimate (dict) – Container for Maximum a Posteriori (MAP) estimates

  • title (str, optional) – Title of plot

  • save (str, optional) – Name of file for to save figure

platecurie.plotting.plot_functions(k, psd, epsd, ppsd=None, title=None, save=None)

Function to plot observed and fitted PSD function using one of MAP or mean estimates. The observed PSD function is plotted regardless of method to estimate the model paramters.

  • k (ndarray) – 1D array of wavenumbers

  • psd (ndarray) – 1D array of wavelet scalogram (wavelet PSD)

  • epsd (ndarray) – 1D array of error on wavelet scalogram (wavelet PSD)

  • ppsd (ndarray, optional) – 1D array of predicted PSD

  • title (str, optional) – Title of plot

  • save (str, optional) – Name of file for to save figure